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最新历史版本 :金融11月27日 返回词条

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                                         United States Steel

Looking to boost its sagging profit margin, United States Steel announced on this day that it was shutting down twelve of its plants, a move that threatened the jobs of 13,000 employees. The company also unveiled plans to slow down work at other factories, as well as to take a hefty net loss for the year. In the face of this costly decision, U.S. Steel officials placed much of the blame on "restrictive government policies and rules," which putatively resulted in "unfairly priced imports" and excessive environmental spending requirements. Some analysts questioned this conclusion, wondering if a fatter profit margin would have prompted U.S. Steel to invest more in its aging plants.


In a voice vote not recorded by the customary roll call -- so that infuriated constituents won't know for sure who is to blame -- both houses of Congress pass legislation bailing out the dying savings and loan industry. The bailout bill -- the Resolution Trust Corporation Refinancing, Restructuring and Improvement Act of 1991 -- sinks another $25 billion of taxpayers' money directly into the S&L bailout, while authorizing up to $35 billion in new borrowings to finance the government's purchase of bad loans. Considering that Congress caused the whole mess with its inept deregulation of S&Ls in the 1980s, it's interesting that our high-minded public servants won't even allow today's votes to be recorded.

2001年11月27日  证监会调整证券公司增资扩股现行政策


2006年11月27日  沪深两市总市值突破7万亿元

11月27日 沪深两市总市值突破7万亿元,占全年GDP三成。

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标签: 金融11月27日