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  《Zombie Lane》


  Zombie Lane

  Digital Chocolate的《Zombie Lane》是当前Facebook上最受欢迎的僵尸类游戏,拥有大约5百万的玩家。在这款游戏中,僵尸是真正存在的生物,并游荡在城镇的大街小巷中。更糟糕的是它们将你可爱的家园破坏殆尽了。而你必须花时间去杀掉这些僵尸并收集资源,重建家园,制作武器并在后来前往僵尸巢穴将其一网打尽。与很多Facebook游戏一样,《Zombie Lane》也使用了能量系统,即玩家所进行的每一个行动都会消耗他们的能量,并在一段时间后再次恢复能量,或许你也可以付钱立刻补充能量。虽然这款游戏并未有任何开创性的机制,但是它不仅非常有趣,而且也不会强迫你去邀请好友或者支付金钱等。

  《Hollywood Zombies》


  Hollywood Zombies

  Kano Apps这款非常奇特的僵尸游戏虽然会让玩家抓狂,但是却非常有吸引力。僵尸侵入好莱坞,而你必须去捕获它们。你必须适当地使用一些诱饵(如药片,客房服务推车或者有利的电影合同),挑选一个适当的位置(游戏邦注:例如一间电影工作室,一家唱片公司以及康复诊所)并开始捕猎僵尸。显然这是一款收集类游戏,你必须在每个区域捕获一定数量的僵尸。有些僵尸出现得很频繁,但是也有一些经常神出鬼没。在这里你必须等上很长一段时间才能恢复能量去捕猎僵尸,但是常常出现的结果是你只能捕到一只僵尸,甚至空手而归。即使如此,这款游戏也具有独特的魅力,因为它已经吸引了7万多名玩家的注意了。

《Zombie Trailer Park》


  Zombie Trailer Park

  Ninja Kiwi的这款绝对策略游戏提供给玩家四个关卡,而营造出一种循序渐进的挑战感。你需要保护自己的拖车免受成群僵尸的破坏。一开始你在一个修理厂工作,每隔几秒钟你能获得50美元的奖励,而你需要合理地使用这些钱,比如去购买一些武器对付僵尸,或者购买更多厂房而获得更多收入,并最终制造出最强大的武器。游戏中有无数的僵尸会涌向你并与你战斗,而你需要制定出一个长期的策略以阻止这些可怕的家伙吞食你的资产。虽然游戏规则很简单,但是却是一款考验玩家策略谋划的游戏,非常有趣。

  《Zombie Typomaniac》


  Zombie Typomaniac

  GameYawp旗下的《Zombie Typomaniac》是Facebook上最优秀的一款以僵尸为主题的动作类打字游戏。在一般的僵尸类游戏中,你需要拥有一些特殊的技能,如快速逃跑以求生存等。但是在这款游戏中,你将不再需要霰弹猎枪和运动鞋,取而代之的是你必须拥有精确且快速的打字能力。当僵尸扑向你时,你必须通过在它们的头上打出一些单词而阻挡进攻。尽管比起逃跑这款游戏机制显得更加困难,但是对于很多玩家来说却出乎意料的有趣。如果你有一点空余时间,或者一心想当个打字秘书的话,不妨试试这款游戏吧。

《Zombie Slayer》


  Zombie Slayer

  如果你是《Mafia Wars》的玩家,但是却常常抱怨这款游戏中没有僵尸的存在,那么《Zombie Slayer》便非常适合你。这款游戏与电子游戏的风格类似,不一样的是玩家的目标不再是黑帮团伙,而变成来自不同地区的僵尸们,并将与僵尸首领以及其他玩家进行战斗。沿途你可以获得(或购买)厉害的武器,完善装备并按照各种属性提升你的游戏积分。因为Facebook游戏正在慢慢脱离按钮点击的游戏设置,所以这款游戏的游戏机制可能会让玩家感到厌倦,但是事实上,看到那些仍然在玩这款游戏的玩家,我们便知道人们还是喜欢它的。




  Broken Bulb的《Braaains》是一款僵尸养成类游戏,你的任务并不是杀掉僵尸,而是培养一个僵尸军团。你可以按照一些类似的特征,如名字(像Rargh Oorgh和Graaah Oorgh),衣服以及悲惨遭遇等方式去挑选僵尸,用各种武器将它们武装起来,然后送到战场上与其他玩家的僵尸部队进行战斗。你每赢得一场战斗便能获得相应的经验值和积分,而你可以用它们购买更好的装备以及更多僵尸。当你获得升级时,你将能够获得“智力”,并用它提升僵尸的能力。这款游戏很简单,但是却也有一定的深度,在一定的点时它会变得很困难,除非你的好友能够帮助你或者你愿意投入更多金钱,要不你便很难继续前进了。不管怎样你都应该尝试下这款游戏。





  《Machines Planet: The Curse of Zombies》


  Machines Plant:The Curse of Zombies

  这款特别的游戏出自Play Flame之手,在这里世界末日就要来临了,而你决定投入自己的所有积蓄创造出独出心裁的乐高机器,去消灭所有的僵尸。你必须挑选不同的部件去组装你的机器,以便能够如你所愿杀死僵尸。有时候你也需要更多的能量去解决问题,有时候你需要在机器的顶盖安装轮子从而让它能够倒置使用等等。当你的机器被困住时你将会看到一个暗示系统,而一旦你到达一定的级别,你将能够看到其他玩家创造的机器以及级别。如果你想要获得更好的组装部件,你就必须花钱购买,同时还有一些特定的部件需要你用现金支付或者邀请好友赠送给你。这好像是《Even More Incredible Machine》与“僵尸版”《愤怒的小鸟》的结合体。

《When The Plague Came》


  When The Plague Came

  这是一款由Rusty Arcade推出的简单小游戏,虽然在Facebook并不是很出名,但是却真的很有趣。在《When The Plague Came》中,玩家需要控制一把固定的大枪,并用其扫射不断走向你的僵尸。游戏中共有28个关卡(显然这是在向僵尸题材电影《惊变28天》致敬),当你射死一个僵尸你便能够获得相应的钱。而你可以使用这些钱去购买各种各样更高级的武器,完善你的防御功能。这种简单明了的消灭僵尸游戏确实很有趣。

  《Zombie Crusher》


  Zombie Crusher

  《Zombie Crusher》是一款oOgzy推出的角色扮演游戏,将玩家带回到用纸笔游戏的旧时代,就像《龙与地下城》里描绘的那样。在僵尸袭击过后整个星球上的人类所剩无几,而你正是其中一个幸存者。你需要招募其他幸存者加入你的队伍,一起消灭僵尸,寻找食物,增强团队的实力并更好地保护自己的部落。虽然这是一款线性游戏,玩家不能进行真正的探索,或者只能按照游戏开发者所设定的路线进行游戏,但仍然不失其趣味性。

Top 10 Facebook Zombie Games

by Emma Boyes

Zombies first surfaced in our culture through Haitian legend, with stories circulating of people who had died but were brought back to life through magic. Whatever their origins, zombies are now a pop culture staple and there are more movies and games about them than you can shake a chainsaw at. It was only a matter of time before the zombies invaded Facebook, so here’s a round-up of some of the better zombie-related games on the platform.

Zombie Lane

Digital Chocolate’s Zombie Lane is currently the most popular zombie game on Facebook with almost five million users. In Zombie lane, Zombies have become a reality and the streets are full of the unwashed and undead. Worse, they’ve completely trashed your lovely home. You spend your time killing zombies and collecting the goodies they drop, rebuilding your house, crafting powerful weapons to battle bosses and later… you can go to the (zombified) circus. Like many Facebook games, Zombie Lane uses an energy point system– every action you take consumes energy, which regenerates over time, or you can pay to recharge it instantly. It’s not groundbreaking, but it’s a fun enough game to play and won’t force you into hassling your friends or spending money.

Hollywood Zombies

Kano Apps’ rather strange zombie app is equal parts frustrating and addictive. Hollywood has been infected with zombies and you’re going hunting. You’ll need to arm yourself with suitable bait (suggestions include tabloids, room service carts and lucrative movie contracts), pick a location (there’s a movie studio, a record company and a rehab clinic for starters) and go hunting for zombies. It’s essentially a collecting game where you try to get a full set of zombies in each area. Some frequently appear but others are extremely rare. Energy takes an unusually long time to recharge, so you’ll spend vast swathes of time waiting to be able to hunt, only to then only net a regular zombie or nothing at all. Still, there’s something strangely addictive about it, and 70,000 users seem to think so, too.

Zombie Trailer Park

Ninja Kiwi’s clever strategy game offers four levels of an increasingly challenging gameplay. You need to protect your trailer from the rampaging hordes of zombies single-mindedly intent on destroying it. You start with one salvage yard, which nets you $50 every few seconds. Spend that money wisely — you can use it to buy units to fight the zombies, more salvage yards to bring in more income or buildings that allow you access to stronger units. The trick is that there’s a never-ending stream of zombies to battle and you’ll need to balance your long-term planning with keeping those pesky meatbags off your property. It’s simple (the graphics certainly aren’t going to win any awards), but it’s goofy fun and surprisingly strategically challenging.

Zombie Typomaniac

GameYawp’s Zombie Typomaniac is the best typing action game on Facebook that has zombies in it. While in a normal zombie outbreak you’d expect skills like aim and ability to run away to be paramount to survival. But in Zombie Typomaniac, you won’t need a shotgun or good running shoes, but instead the ability to type with accuracy and speed. Zombies are shuffling towards you, and you must fend them off by typing the words over their heads. It’s surprisingly fun, although it gets tricky rather fast. Still, good enough for a giggle if you have a spare few minutes, or always secretly wanted to be a secretary.

Zombie Slayer

For those of you who like Mafia Wars but mourn the lack of zombies in it, then Kano Apps’ Zombie Slayer is the game for you. It’s the same spreadsheet style gameplay but instead of killing gangsters you have to clean out all the zombies in different regions, as well as battling bosses and other players. Along the way you’ll pick up (or buy) better weapons and gear and level up and distribute your points among various attributes. The gameplay’s a little tired now, with Facebook games moving away from this style of button clicking gameplay, but judging by the number of people that are still playing titles like this, some people still obviously enjoy it.


Broken Bulb’s Braaains is a different take on the zombie genre in that your task is not to kill zombies, but to amass a zombie army. You pick zombies from a selection of nearly identical creatures with near identical names (like Rargh Oorgh and Graaah Oorgh), clothe the poor wretches and equip them with weapons and then send them into battle against other players’ zombie hordes. Each battle you win, will get experience points and coins, which can be used to buy better gear and more zombies. When you level up, you’re given brains, which you can use to level up your zombies. It’s silly and has surprisingly depth, but unfortunately there comes a point where it becomes quite difficult to progress unless you have friends playing or have money to spend. Still worth checking out, though, even if only for the sound effects.

Plants Vs Zombies

PopCap’s award-winning casual game is on Facebook, and it’s as fun as ever. You are given a selection of zombie-battling plants to choose from and decide where to place in your garden. All the plants have different properties and cost “sun” (the in game currency) to buy. For example, sunflowers make extra sun, peashooters shoot and cherries explode, destroying everything in their path. It’s basically a demo of the game, where you get to play through a decent amount of levels before you’re asked to get out your wallet. If you haven’t played it before, this is as good a place as any to start, although there’s no attempt to add any social actions making use of the Facebook platform — not even a high score table to see whose plants fared the best against the zombie onslaught.

Machines Planet: The Curse of Zombies

Here’s something a little bit different from Play Flame… It’s the end of the world and you’ve decided to spend it building inventive Lego-like machines to kill zombies. The trick is building your machine from the selection of different parts so that it actually gets to your desired zombie. Sometimes you’ll need lots of power to push things out of the way, sometimes you’ll need wheels on your roof to go upside down and so on. There’s a hints system if you get stuck, and once you reach a certain level you can check out other players’ creations and levels as well. Spending money will give you access to better parts and certain parts require you to spend cash or invite friends to add to your inventory. Think of it as the Even More Incredible Machine combined with a Zombified Angry Birds.

When The Plague Came

Another simple flash game that doesn’t really make any use of the Facebook platform but is fun to play nonetheless. In Rusty Arcade’s When The Plague Came, you have control of a big, immovable gun and must use it to shoot at the mass of zombies that are shuffling towards you. There are 28 levels to play through (no doubt a homage to 28 Days Later) and you get money for every member of the undead you shoot. You can use this money to buy a variety of weapon upgrades or improve your defenses. It’s good, clean zombie-killing fun.

Zombie Crusher

Zombie Crusher is a role-playing game that takes you back to the old days of playing pen and paper games like Dungeons and Dragons. In oOgzy’s Zombie Crusher, you are one of the few remaining humans left alive after a zombie outbreak. Along the way you’ll do things like recruit other survivors to join your merry band, kill zombies, forage for food (of the non-brains variety) and build up and defend a colony. It’s very guided and linear, so there’s not the chance to really explore or play it any other way other than how the creators want you to, but it’s still fun to play through.(source:gamepro

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标签: Facebook平台十大僵尸主题游戏