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Several blocks on rollers contain exhibits devoted to different topics. The idea is excellent as it enables the museum to use its limited space by shifting the blocks in the necessary direction.


Director of the museum is now thinking over a possibility to open an exhibition devoted to oil.


Staff who really like their job


The map of opening up the Primorye


Visit the museum and you will know many new things about the history of Nakhodka.


Nakhodka, which actually means “discovery”, was discovered by the Russian sailing ship America in 1859.


In the beginning of the 20th century the place was slowly occupied by inhabitants of other Russian regions.


Starting from 1939, GULAG camps (GULag is the acronym for Chief Administration of Corrective Labor Camps) were dislocated in Nakhodka.


“We have killed our enemy with the weapon and we are going to get bread working hard. Let’s get to work, Comrades!”


“Proletarian, be aware of the raid to the USSR planned by the carrion crows!”


“What have you done for the front line?”


And this interesting panel was made by inhabitants of its American twin town who were asked what they associated with the word RUSSIA. And what are your associations?


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