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历史版本2:朱利亚斯·布兰克 返回词条

朱利叶斯·布兰科(Julius Blank)
坐起第四位为朱利叶斯·布兰科(Julius Blank)
左起第四位为朱利叶斯·布兰科(Julius Blank)

  北京时间2011年9月23日下午消息,美国仙童半导体联合创始人朱利叶斯·布兰科(Julius Blank)于上周六病逝于加州帕罗奥尔托,享年86岁。

  布兰科与其他7人于1957年共同在帕罗奥尔托创办了仙童半导体公司。该团队中共有2人拥有制造行业经验,机械工程师出身的布兰科就是其中之一。所以当他们找到了一种生产硅电脑芯片的廉价方式后,制作批量生产设备的任务就落到了布兰科和另外一名团队成员尤金·克莱纳(Eugene Kleiner)身上。


  布兰科毕业于Erasmus Hall高中,并且在二战期间服役。他于1950年从城市学院毕业,并获得了机械工程学士学位。

  1952年,他加盟AT&T旗下西部电气(Western Electric)位于新泽西州卡尼市的工厂,并参与开发了一种机器,该机器生产的电路被用于首款无需接线员的长途直拨电话。他在该工厂内遇见了克莱纳,他们二人于1956年共同跳槽到晶体管之父、诺贝尔物理学奖得主威廉·肖克利(William Shockley)的实验室。

  但是很快,肖克利的专制管理风格引起员工的不满。其中8人决定一同辞职并创办了仙童半导体,他们是维克多·格里尼克(Victor Grinich)、杰·拉斯特(Jay Last)、简·赫尔尼(Jean Hoerni)、布兰科、克莱纳、谢尔顿·罗伯茨(Sheldon Roberts)、罗伯特·诺依斯(Robert Noyce)和戈登·摩尔(Gordon Moore)。他们后来被肖克利称为“八叛逆”。






Julius Blank (1924/5 - September 17, 2011) was a semiconductor pioneer and a member of the so-called Traitorous Eight.
Blank was born and raised in New York. He earned a Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from the City College of New York.
He worked at the seminal Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory division of Beckman Instruments, until he and the other disgruntled members of what Shockley termed the Traitorous Eight left to form the influential Fairchild Semiconductor corporation. There, Blank was part of the team that established a "model for entrepreneurs for the rest of [the 20th] century": stock options, no job titles and open working relationships. At Fairchild, Blank set up the "initial machine shop, assembly and the subsequent manufacturing facility in Hong Kong as incoming orders exploded." He left in 1969 to become a consultant.
In 1978, Blank co-founded Xicor, where he was a member of its Board of Directors. In 2004, Xicor was acquired by Intersil Corp. for approximately US$529 million.
In May, 2011, the California Historical Society in San Francisco gave the “Legends of California Award” to Blank, 85, and others of the Eight. Looking back in advance of the award ceremony, Blank said difficulties had accelerated when Shockley won the Nobel Prize: "'He would travel a lot and every time he came back, he would change direction,' Blank said. In light of these changing whims, their projects never were completed and many at Shockley grew frustrated." Blank spoke of "those years with 'a kind of electricity in the air, [where] everything was happening fast and all at once.'" In 2011, he lives in a retirement center across the street from the old Fairchild headquarters at 844 Charleston Rd. in Palo Alto, where he used to have his office and now a California Historical Landmark


  1955年,“晶体管之父”威廉·肖克利,离开贝尔实验室创建肖克利半导体实验室。他吸引了很多富有才华的年轻科学家加盟。但是很快,肖克利的管理方法和怪异行为引起员工的不满。其中八人决定一同辞职,他们是罗伯特·诺依斯(Robert Noyce)、戈登·摩尔(Gordon Moore)、朱利亚斯·布兰克(Julius Blank)、尤金·克莱尔(Eugene Kleiner)、金·赫尔尼(Jean Hoerni)、杰·拉斯特(Jay Last)、谢尔顿·罗伯茨(Sheldon Roberts)和维克多·格里尼克(Victor Grinich)。后来他们被肖克利称为"八叛逆"。八人接受位于纽约的仙童摄影器材公司的资助,于1957年,创办了仙童半导体公司。
   附图:八叛逆在Fairchild Semiconductor,1959年. 从左至右: 高登·摩尔, Sheldon Roberts, Eugene Kleiner, Robert Noyce, Victor Grinich, Julius Blank, Jean Hoerni 与 Jay Last 



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标签: 朱利亚斯·布兰克 Julius Blank 仙童布兰科