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埃利·帕雷瑟(Eli Pariser)
The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding From You
  • Hardcover: 304 pages
  • Publisher: Penguin Press HC, The (May 12, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1594203008
  • ISBN-13: 978-1594203008
  • Product Dimensions: 8.1 x 5.4 x 1.1 inches 
  • 内容简介回目录

    Pariser是社会机构MoveOn.org的负责人,也是一本新书《过滤器泡沫:互联网把什么藏起来了》(The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding From Yo)的作者。在《纽约时报》最近的一篇文章中,他表达了对个性化服务,谷歌和微软必应在其服务中添加各种过滤器,以及《纽约时报》和《华盛顿邮报》这样的发布商使用推荐工具(它们会根据读者以前的浏览记录推荐他们可能会喜欢的故事)的担心。

    Pariser认为,这样的个性化和定制化工具存在风险,因为它们会产生回音室(echo chamber)的效果,即我们只读我们想要阅读的东西,因此只会听到我们想听到的讨论。 Pariser表示:





    埃利·帕雷瑟(Eli Pariser)
    Eli Pariser is the board president and former executive director of MoveOn.org, which at five million members is one of the largest citizens' organizations in American politics. During his time leading MoveOn, he sent 937,510,800 e-mails to members in his name. He has written op-eds for The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal and has appeared on The Colbert Report, Good Morning America, Fresh Air, and World News Tonight.
    Author Q&A with Eli Pariser

    Q: What is a “Filter Bubble”?

    A: We’re used to thinking of the Internet like an enormous library, with services like Google providing a universal map. But that’s no longer really the case. Sites from Google and Facebook to Yahoo News and the New York Times are now increasingly personalized – based on your web history, they filter information to show you the stuff they think you want to see. That can be very different from what everyone else sees – or from what we need to see.

    Your filter bubble is this unique, personal universe of information created just for you by this array of personalizing filters. It’s invisible and it’s becoming more and more difficult to escape.

    Q: I like the idea that websites might show me information relevant to my interests—it can be overwhelming how much information is available I already only watch TV shows and listen to radio programs that are known to have my same political leaning. What’s so bad about this?

    A: It’s true: We’ve always selected information sources that accord with our own views. But one of the creepy things about the filter bubble is that we’re not really doing the selecting. When you turn on Fox News or MSNBC, you have a sense of what their editorial sensibility is: Fox isn’t going to show many stories that portray Obama in a good light, and MSNBC isn’t going to the ones that portray him badly. Personalized filters are a different story: You don’t know who they think you are or on what basis they’re showing you what they’re showing. And as a result, you don’t really have any sense of what’s getting edited out – or, in fact, that things are being edited out at all.

    Q: How does money fit into this picture?

    A: The rush to build the filter bubble is absolutely driven by commercial interests. It’s becoming clearer and clearer that if you want to have lots of people use your website, you need to provide them with personally relevant information, and if you want to make the most money on ads, you need to provide them with relevant ads. This has triggered a personal information gold rush, in which the major companies – Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, and the like – are competing to create the most comprehensive portrait of each of us to drive personalized products. There’s also a whole “behavior market” opening up in which every action you take online – every mouse click, every form entry – can be sold as a commodity.

    Q: What is the Internet hiding from me?

    A: As Google engineer Jonathan McPhie explained to me, it’s different for every person – and in fact, even Google doesn’t totally know how it plays out on an individual level. At an aggregate level, they can see that people are clicking more. But they can’t predict how each individual’s information environment is altered.

    In general, the things that are most likely to get edited out are the things you’re least likely to click on. Sometimes, this can be a real service – if you never read articles about sports, why should a newspaper put a football story on your front page? But apply the same logic to, say, stories about foreign policy, and a problem starts to emerge. Some things, like homelessness or genocide, aren’t highly clickable but are highly important.

    Q: Which companies or Websites are personalizing like this?

    A: In one form or another, nearly every major website on the Internet is flirting with personalization. But the one that surprises people most is Google. If you and I Google the same thing at the same time, we may get very different results. Google tracks hundreds of “signals” about each of us – what kind of computer we’re on, what we’ve searched for in the past, even how long it takes us to decide what to click on – and uses it to customize our results. When the result is that our favorite pizza parlor shows up first when we Google pizza, it’s useful. But when the result is that we only see the information that is aligned with our religious or social or political beliefs, it’s difficult to maintain perspective.

    Q: Are any sites being transparent about their personalization?

    A: Some sites do better than others. Amazon, for example, is often quite transparent about the personalization it does: “We’re showing you Brave New World because you bought 1984.” But it’s one thing to personalize products and another to personalize whole information flows, like Google and Facebook are doing. And very few users of those services are even marginally aware that this kind of filtering is at work.

    Q: Does this issue of personalization impact my privacy or jeopardize my identity at all?

    A: Research psychologists have known for a while that the media you consume shapes your identity. So when the media you consume is also shaped by your identity, you can slip into a weird feedback loop. A lot of people see a simple version of this on Facebook: You idly click on an old classmate, Facebook reads that as a friendship, and pretty soon you’re seeing every one of John or Sue’s posts.

    Gone awry, personalization can create compulsive media – media targeted to appeal to your personal psychological weak spots. You can find yourself eating the equivalent of information junk food instead of having a more balanced information diet.

    Q: You make it clear that while most Websites’ user agreements say they won’t share our personal information, they also maintain the right to change the rules at any time. Do you foresee sites changing those rules to profit from our online personas?

    A: They already have. Facebook, for example, is notorious for its bait-and-switch tactics when it comes to privacy. For a long time, what you “Liked” on Facebook was private, and the site promised to keep it that way. Then, overnight, they made that information public to the world, in order to make it easier for their advertisers to target specific subgroups.

    There’s an irony in the fact that while Rolex needs to get Tom Cruise’s permission to put his face on a billboard, it doesn’t need to get my permission to advertise my endorsement to my friends on Facebook. We need laws that give people more rights in their personal data.

    Q: Is there any way to avoid this personalization? What if I’m not logged into a site?

    A: Even if you’re not logged into Google, for example, an engineer told me there are 57 signals that the site uses to figure out who you are: whether you’re on a Mac or PC or iPad, where you’re located when you’re Googling, etc. And in the near future, it’ll be possible to “fingerprint” unique devices, so that sites can tell which individual computer you’re using. That’s why erasing your browser cookies is at best a partial solution—it only partially limits the information available to personalizers.

    What we really need is for the companies that power the filter bubble to take responsibility for the immense power they now have – the power to determine what we see and don’t see, what we know and don’t know. We need them to make sure we continue to have access to public discourse and a view of the common good. A world based solely on things we “Like” is a very incomplete world.

    I’m optimistic that they can. It’s worth remembering that newspapers weren’t always informed by a sense of journalistic ethics. They existed for centuries without it. It was only when critics like Walter Lippman began to point out how important they were that the newspapers began to change. And while journalistic ethics aren’t perfect, because of them we have been better informed over the last century. We need algorithmic ethics to guide us through the next.

    Q: What are the business leaders at Google and Facebook and Yahoo saying about their responsibilities?

    A: To be honest, they’re frustratingly coy. They tend to frame the trend in the passive tense: Google’s Eric Schmidt recently said “It will be very hard for people to watch or consume something that has not in some sense been tailored for them,” rather than “Google is making it very hard…” Mark Zuckerberg perfectly summed up the tension in personalization when he said “A squirrel dying in your front yard may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa.” But he refuses to engage with what that means at a societal level – especially for the people in Africa.

    Q: Your background is as a political organizer for the liberal Website MoveOn.org. How does that experience inform your book?

    A: I’ve always believed the Internet could connect us all together and help create a better, more democratic world. That’s what excited me about MoveOn – here we were, connecting people directly with each other and with political leaders to create change.

    But that more democratic society has yet to emerge, and I think it’s partly because while the Internet is very good at helping groups of people with like interests band together (like MoveOn), it’s not so hot at introducing people to different people and ideas. Democracy requires discourse and personalization is making that more and more elusive.

    And that worries me, because we really need the Internet to live up to that connective promise. We need it to help us solve global problems like climate change, terrorism, or natural resource management which by their nature require massive coordination, and great wisdom and ingenuity. These problems can’t be solved by a person or two – they require whole societies to participate. And that just won’t happen if we’re all isolated in a web of one.  


    北京时间6月1日消息,据国外媒体报道,美国科技博客GigaOM作者马修·英格拉姆(Mathew Ingram)发表署名文章,称信息过载的危险大于“过滤器过载”或“超定制”的危险。以下为全文摘要:

    随着实时信息网络和内容发布工具以及多媒体设备的发展,很多人都被持续上涨的信息潮水所淹没。媒体大师克莱·舍基( Clay Shirky, 被誉为“互联网革命最伟大的思考者”、“新文化最敏锐的观察者”)曾说过,如今的问题不是信息过载,而是“过滤器低效” ,因此也涌现了很多旨在解决这个问题的公司已和服务。但Eli Pariser担心太多的过滤器可能是一种比疾病更糟糕的疗法。



    Pariser是社会机构MoveOn.org的负责人,也是一本新书《过滤器泡沫:互联网把什么藏起来了》(The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding From Yo)的作者。在《纽约时报》最近的一篇文章中,他表达了对个性化服务,谷歌和微软必应在其服务中添加各种过滤器,以及《纽约时报》和《华盛顿邮报》这样的发布商使用推荐工具(它们会根据读者以前的浏览记录推荐他们可能会喜欢的故事)的担心。

    Pariser认为,这样的个性化和定制化工具存在风险,因为它们会产生回音室(echo chamber)的效果,即我们只读我们想要阅读的东西,因此只会听到我们想听到的讨论。 Pariser表示:






    会不会出现只拥有单一社交图的人,任何形式的社交过滤都会让他们生活在一个网上回音室中?当然会有 ,其实这些人已经存在了,他们似乎生活在一个茧里,有没有互联网都能活得很好。社交过滤器并不会让这样的现象恶化。

    此外还有 “意外发现(serendipity)”,即那些奇怪或不寻常的故事和内容,是我们没有预料到自己会看到的,但我们看到的它们时候也会觉得很有趣。传统的报纸就可以被视为是一种“意外发现”引擎,因为它是由其他人生成的,这些人对我们的阅读习惯所知甚少,因此报纸上会出现一些比较出人意料内容。


    因此在我看来,信息过载的危险大于“过滤器过载”或“超定制”的危险。如果数据和内容的量大大超过了人们消费信息的能力,有些人就可能会离开,彻底不再关注任何信息 ,可以说这个问题甚至比Pariser的 “个性化世界”问题更严重。有了推荐和社交过滤,我们至少有了一些希望——遏制信息过载的洪水,或多或少地从中找出有意义的东西来。




    过去你也许听到过类似的故事:有可能源自保守派博主格伦•雷诺德(GlennReynolds)——博客是摧毁“把关人”的技术,抑或源自进步派博主马科斯•莫里萨斯(Markos Moulitsas)——他写了一本名为《冲破牢笼》(Crashing the Gate)的著作。这是对这种媒介的革命性力量的美好愿望,作为早期在线政治的践行者,我们就是这样经营MoveOn.org的。但是,我越来越认为我们最终都错了,而且还可能错得比较危险;在我们周围,还存在一群新的“把关人”,并且这一次执行的不是人,而是代码。


    目前,我们已经熟悉了网络上那种如影随形的广告,他们都是根据我们最近在商业网站上的点击而产生的。但是,我们搜索的信息也个性化了,这种情况越来越普遍,而且不易察觉。由于历史点击不同,两人在google 分别上搜索“埃及”一词得到的结果可能会差别很大。雅虎新闻和谷歌新闻都根据每个来访者以往的行为对显示的页面做了调整。而且,上个月开始,这种技术对新闻类网站如《华盛顿邮报》、《纽约时报》开始生效。




    我们不可能回到过去的那种“把关人”体系了,也没必要。但是,如果算法代替编辑,决定我们所能看到的内容,我们得确信工程师能权衡多种因素而不是单一的“相关性”。除了给我们展示Apple 和卡内的新闻,我们还需要知道阿富汗和利比亚发生的事情。




    编者按:TED是一个非盈利性组织,致力于“传播有价值的思想”,它通过在其网站上发布一些谈话来使得人们能够接触这些思想。 帕雷瑟是MoveOn.org(民*主*行动组织)的前执行主任,现任该组织的董事会主席。他出版了自己的新书是“过滤器泡泡:网站对您隐藏了哪些东西”

    (CNN) -- With little notice or fanfare, the digital world is fundamentally changing. What was once an anonymous medium where anyone could be anyone -- where, in the words of the famous New Yorker cartoon, nobody knows you're a dog -- is now a tool for soliciting and analyzing our personal data.

    (美国有线电视新闻网) - 很少有人注意到,或者说在低调当中,数码世界正在从根本上发生改变。那些曾经的匿名媒介网站上,任何人都可能是任何身份——即著名的纽约人漫画上说的一句话,在上面,没人知道你是一条狗——现在却成为收集和分析我们个人数据的工具。

    According to one Wall Street Journal study, the top 50 Internet sites, from CNN to Yahoo to MSN, install an average of 64 data-laden cookies and personal tracking beacons each. Search for a word like "depression" on Dictionary.com, and the site installs up to 223 tracking cookies and beacons on your computer so that other Web sites can target you with antidepressants.


    The new Internet doesn't just know you're a dog; it knows your breed and wants to sell you a bowl of premium kibble.


    The race to know as much as possible about you has become the central battle of the era for Internet giants like Google, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft. As Chris Palmer of the Electronic Frontier Foundation explained to me, "You're getting a free service, and the cost is information about you. And Google and Facebook translate that pretty directly into money."


    While Gmail and Facebook may be helpful, free tools, they are also extremely effective and voracious extraction engines into which we pour the most intimate details of our lives.


    As a business strategy, the Internet giants' formula is simple: The more personally relevant their information offerings are, the more ads they can sell, and the more likely you are to buy the products they're offering.


    And the formula works. Amazon sells billions of dollars worth of merchandise by predicting what each customer is interested in and putting it in the front of the virtual store.


    What the Internet is hiding from you


    Up to 60% of Netflix's rentals come from the personalized guesses it can make about each customer's movie preferences -- and at this point, Netflix can predict how much you'll like a given movie within about half a star. Personalization is a core strategy for the top five sites on the Internet -- Yahoo, Google, Facebook, YouTube, and Microsoft Live -- as well as countless others.

    网飞(Netflix)DVD出租公司高达60%的租金是来自对客户电影喜好的个人猜测—— 在这一点上,Netflix公司可以通过半星形式,预测到你对一部给定电影,有多大的喜欢程度。个性化是互联网上的五大网站的核心商业策略—— 雅虎,谷歌,Facebook,YouTube和微软Live - 以及其他无数的网站都是这么做的。

    It would be one thing if all this customization were just about targeted advertising. But personalization isn't just shaping what we buy. For a quickly rising percentage of us, personalized news feeds like Facebook are becoming a primary news source. Thirty-six percent of Americans under 30 get their news through social networking sites.


    And personalization is shaping how information flows far beyond Facebook, as websites from Yahoo News to the New York Times-funded startup News.me cater their headlines to our particular interests and desires. It's influencing what videos we watch on YouTube and a dozen smaller competitors, and what blog posts we see.


    It's affecting whose e-mails we get, which potential mates we run into on OK Cupid, and which restaurants are recommended to us on Yelp -- which means that personalization could easily have a hand not only in who goes on a date with whom, but in where they go and what they talk about. The algorithms that orchestrate our ads are starting to orchestrate our lives.

    它正在影响,我们得到哪些人的电子邮件,在OK Cupid网站上哪些是我们潜在的伴侣,在Yelp网站上推荐哪个餐厅给我们—— 这意味着个性化,不仅可以轻而易举地帮助我们和谁约会,也可以帮助我们到哪里去,以及谈什么内容。编排广告的算法开始编排我们的生活了。

    The basic code at the heart of the new Internet is pretty simple. The new generation of Internet filters looks at the things you seem to like -- the actual things you've done, or the things people similar to you like -- and tries to extrapolate. Together, these engines create a unique universe of information for each of us -- what I've come to call a filter bubble -- which fundamentally alters the way we encounter ideas and information.

    新兴的互联网的核心基本代码非常简单。在新一代的互联网过滤器关注的是你似乎喜欢的东西—— 你实际做的事情,或者类似的东西,你喜欢的人 ——并试图推断出来。总之,这些引擎创建一个我们每个人独特的全局信息——这就是我称之为“过滤器泡泡”的东西——这从根本上改变了我们以前遇到的想法和信息的方式。

    Of course, to some extent we've always consumed media that appealed to our interests and avocations and ignored much of the rest. But the filter bubble introduces three dynamics we've never dealt with before:


    First, you're alone in it. A cable channel that caters to a narrow interest (say, golf) has other viewers, with whom you share a frame of reference. But you're the only person in your bubble. In an age when shared information is the bedrock of shared experience, the filter bubble is a centrifugal force, pulling us apart.


    Second, the filter bubble is invisible. Most viewers of conservative or liberal news sources know when they're going to a station curated to serve a particular political viewpoint. But Google's agenda is opaque. Google doesn't tell you who it thinks you are, or why it's showing you the results you're seeing. You don't know if its assumptions about you are right or wrong -- and you might not even know it's making assumptions about you in the first place.


    Finally, you don't choose to enter the bubble. When you turn on Fox News or read The Nation, you're making a decision about what kind of filter to use to make sense of the world. It's an active process, and just as you would if you put on tinted glasses, you can guess how the editors' leaning shapes your perception. You don't make the same kind of choice with personalized filters. They come to you -- and because they drive up profits for the websites that use them, they'll become harder and harder to avoid.


    The consequences of living in a bubble are becoming clear. Left to their own devices, personalization filters serve up a kind of invisible autopropaganda, indoctrinating us with our own ideas, amplifying our desire for things that are familiar, and leaving us oblivious to the dangers lurking in the dark territory of the unknown.


    In the filter bubble, there's less room for the chance encounters that bring insight and learning. Creativity is often sparked by the collision of ideas from different disciplines and cultures. Combine an understanding of cooking and physics, and you get the nonstick pan and the induction stovetop. But if Amazon thinks I'm interested in cookbooks, it's not very likely to show me books about metallurgy. It's not just serendipity that's at risk.


    By definition, a world constructed from the familiar is a world in which there's nothing to learn. If personalization is too acute, it could prevent us from coming into contact with the mind-blowing, preconception-shattering experiences and ideas that change how we think about the world and ourselves.


    It's not too late to make sure that personalization avoids these traps. But to shift its course, we need more people to become educated about how and why the Web is being edited for them, and we need the companies doing this filtering to show us not just what we'll click most, but what we need to know. Otherwise, we could each find ourselves trapped in a bubble for one.


    (The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Eli Pariser.)

    (在这篇评论中表达的观点仅代表埃利. 帕雷瑟。)


    《雾里看花:互联网对你隐瞒了什么?》(The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding From You) 以利·帕里瑟(Eli Pariser)著。企鹅出版社出版。全书294页。定价25.95美元。

    以利·帕里瑟很担心。为什么呢?试试看,给身处外地或者外国的朋友们打个电话,让他们和你同时在Google上搜一样东西,你们得到的搜索结果会截然不同。这是因为在Google提供搜索结果的时候,会将人们所在的位置、搜索历史以及其他一些因素考虑在内。换言之,它会给你提供“个性化”的搜索结果。就像Google首席执行官拉瑞·佩奇(Larry Page)所说的,“我们强大的搜索引擎能完全明白你的意思,从而为你提供你最需要的结果。”Google的执行总裁埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)则认为,也许终有一天人们会去咨询Google自己应该上哪所大学,或者接下来该读哪本书。



    最近互联网正因其固有的“民主情结”成为一个热门话题,尤其是在所谓的“阿拉伯之春”中,它同时为争斗的双方提供了助力。在1月份出版的《网络错觉》(The Net Delusion)一书中,作者尤金·莫罗佐夫(Evgeny Morozov)批判了将争取解放和获取权力寄望于网络的行为,他将这些称做“虚拟乌托邦”,他指出网络很容易被反过来用作镇压工具。与莫罗佐夫先生激烈的“破除网络迷信”主张相反,帕里瑟先生的论点很值得关注,他是从一个开放进步的角度批评互联网的。


    帕里瑟先生别的一些观点实在没什么说服力。他建议为大型互联网公司设立专门的审查机构,就像报纸行业那样。他主张那些网站的系统应该提供一些更“意外”的结果(他的意思貌似就是随机提供) - 比如说Amazon可以向用户推荐不属于他们喜爱类型的书籍,去碰运气,看看用户们是不是喜欢。另一个建议是让人类编辑辅助筛选算法,在提供过滤结果的同时提供一些另外值得用户去看的东西。这将会轻而易举地让新闻网站之类的互联网公司变得不再有偏差。最奇怪的是,帕里瑟先生呼吁那些大型互联网公司提供“积极的公共话题推广”和“公民意识培养”。无论你是否赞同帕里瑟先生的主张,毫无疑问他的书都明确地指出了网络发展中一些被忽略的方面,而这些方面会影响到每一个使用网络的人。



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