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最新历史版本 :杰弗·敏特 返回词条

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杰弗·敏特(Jeff Minter),也译为杰夫·米特(Jeff Minter),游戏制作人。Jeff Minter是英国的一位经验老道的游戏制作人,经历了2代游戏产业的风雨和变迁。1982年,他创立了属于自己的游戏开发公司Llamasoft。



Jeff 'Yak' Minter (born in Reading, April 22, 1962[citation needed]) is a British computer/video game designer and programmer. He is the founder of software house Llamasoft and his recent works include Neon (2004), a non-game music visualization program that has been built into the Xbox 360 console, and the video games Space Giraffe (Xbox Live Arcade, 2007 and PC, 2008), and Space Invaders Extreme (Xbox Live Arcade, May 2009).
Fans of Minter's games have identified a number of distinctive elements common to his games.[citation needed] They are often arcade style shoot 'em ups. They often contain titular and/or in-game references demonstrating his fondness of ruminants (llamas, sheep, camels, etc.). Many of his programs also feature something of a psychedelic element, as in some of the earliest "light synthesizer" programs including his Trip-a-Tron.

In online forums and informal game credits pages Minter usually signs as "Yak", which is, in his own words
"a pseudonym chosen a long time ago, back in the days when hi-score tables on coin-op machines only held three letters, and I settled on Yak because the yak is a scruffy hairy beast - a lot like me ;-)."


   人民网7月7日讯 Xbox360将提供内置游戏,但不是“光环2.5”。
    叫作杰夫·米特(Jeff Minter)的开发人员表示,这款叫作《氖(Neon)》的游戏将融合音乐和游戏的要素。这款游戏的原形是其于1984年开发的一款叫作《迷幻药(Psychedelia)》的游戏。


  英国资深游戏制作人Jeff Minter近日公开批评索尼在PS3战略特别是价格策略方面过分自以为是,完全没有把玩家的利益放在眼里。

  Jeff Minter是在为英国Edge杂志撰写的文章中提出上述观点的,他在文章中写道:“很明显,索尼对PS3过于自信了,他们甚至相信就算是公开宣布PS3将比所有其他现有主机的价格都贵,就算没有最初公布的那么多游戏与PS3一起首发,玩家依然会毫不犹豫地冲到店里购买PS3主机,而原因就是,‘这是索尼的PlayStation新主机!’”


  对于PS3今后的发展前景,Minter认为最关键的问题还是游戏软件的开发,“我们需要的是游戏,而不是装模作样自以为是的态度,真正吸引我购买PS3主机的是PS3的游戏作品,而不是一堆和Xbox 360相似甚至完全没有区别的功能。”


  Jeff Minter是英国的一位经验老道的游戏制作人,经历了2代游戏产业的风雨和变迁。1982年,他创立了属于自己的游戏开发公司Llamasoft。目前,他的公司正在着手开发一款名为《氖(Neon)》的Xbox360游戏。


Second Generation games

Andes Attack (Commodore VIC-20, 1982) (A.K.A. Aggressor, Bomber, Bomb Buenas Aires)

Gridrunner (Atari/C64/ZX Spectrum, 1982)

Abductor (Commodore VIC-20, 1982)

Traxx (Commodore VIC-20/ZX Spectrum, 1983)

Matrix: Gridrunner 2 (Atari/C64, 1983)

Laser Zone (C64, 1983)

Attack of the Mutant Camels (Atari/C64, 1983) (UK: Advance of the Megacamel)

Revenge of the Mutant Camels (C64, 1983)

Headbangers Heaven (ZX Spectrum, 1983)

Ancipital (C64, 1984)

Hover Bovver (Atari/C64, 1984)

Psychedelia (C64/ZX Spectrum/MSX, 1984) – A light synthesizer.

Sheep in Space (C64, 1984)

Hellgate (Commodore VIC-20, 1984)

Mama Llama(C64, 1985)

Colourspace (Atari, 1985) – A light synthesizer.

Batalyx (C64, 1985)

Iridis Alpha (C64, 1986)

Voidrunner (C64, 1987)

Return of the Mutant Camels (Atari/C64, 1988) (A.K.A. Revenge of the Mutant Camels 2)

Third Generation games

Andes Attack (Atari ST, 1988)

Trip-a-Tron (Atari ST/Commodore Amiga, 1988)

Bombuzal (Atari ST, 1988) - Minter designed one level

Super Gridrunner (Atari ST/Commodore Amiga, 1989)

Defender II (Atari ST/Commodore Amiga, 1990)

Photon Storm (Atari ST/Commodore Amiga, 1990)

Defender 2 (Atari ST, 1990)

Llamatron: 2112 (Atari ST/Commodore Amiga, 1991, PC, 1992)

Hardcore (Atari ST, 1992)

Revenge of the Mutant Camels (enhanced re-release) (Atari ST/Commodore Amiga, 1991, PC, 1994)

Fifth Generation games

Virtual Light Machine (Atari Jaguar, 1994) (A.K.A. VLM-1)

Tempest 2000 (Atari Jaguar, 1994)

Defender 2000 (Atari Jaguar, 1995)

Llamazap (Atari Falcon, 1995)

Tempest X3 (PS1, 1996) (credited only for Tempest 2000)

VLM-2 (Nuon DVD, 2000)

Tempest 3000 (Nuon DVD, 2000)

Hover Bovver 2: Grand Theft Flymo (PC, 2002)

Gridrunner++ (PC, 2002)

Sixth Generation games

Unity (GCN, Cancelled)

Seventh Generation games

Neon (Xbox 360, 2005) (A.K.A. VLM-3)

Space Giraffe (Xbox 360, 2007), (PC, 2008)

Space Invaders Extreme (Xbox 360, ETA 2009)

Gridrunner Revolution (PC, 25 September 2009)

Other Games

Metagalactic Llamas Battle at the Edge of Time (Commodore VIC-20) (A.K.A. Meta-Llamas)

Blitzkrieg (Commodore VIC-20)

Deflex (Commodore VIC-20)

Rox III (Commodore VIC-20)

City Bomb (ZX Spectrum)

Super Deflex (ZX Spectrum)

Super Gridrunner (Atari ST)




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标签: 杰弗·敏特