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最新历史版本 :图说柏林墙今昔 返回词条

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图说柏林墙今昔 回目录



Top: The Reichstag building and the Berlin Wall on November 10, 1989. Bottom: the same view taken twenty years later

上图:1989年11月10日的德国国会大厦和柏林墙。下图:20年后的同一地点。供图: AFP/GETTY  


Top: Bernauer Strasse is separated by the Berlin Wall in June 1968. Bottom: The same view 20 years later

上图: 1968年6月,伯诺尔(Bernauer)大街被柏林墙分成两半。下图:20年后的同一地点。供图: AFP/GETTY 


Top: Tourists posing in front of the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg gate on June 6, 1989. Bottom: The Brandenburg Gate today


Top: People posing at the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate on June 6, 1989. Bottom: Ebertstrasse and the Brandenburg Gate today

上图:1989年6月6日,人们站在勃兰登堡门Ebertstrasse 大街的柏林墙边。下图:今日的Ebertstrasse 大街和勃兰登堡门。供图:REUTERS

Top: Checkpoint Charlie crossing point, in June 1968, then marking the border between East (Soviet sector) and West Berlin (American sector). Bottom: The same view today

上图:1968年6月,标志东德(苏联控制区)和西德(美国控制区)分界点的查理检查站(Checkpoint Charlie )。下图:今日景象。供图:AFP/GETTY

Top: The former Allied Checkpoint Charlie during the Cold War in 1961. Bottom: The reopening of a replica of the guardhouse on August 13, 2000


Top: East German border soldiers standing at the borderline at Zimmerstrasse/Charlottenstrasse, near the Allied checkpoint Charlie on March 10, 1990. Bottom: the same scene today


Top: East and West German citizens celebrating as they climb the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg gate on November 9, 1989. Bottom: The same scene today


Top: An East German border soldier looking at a man hammering a section of the Berlin Wall near the Allied checkpoint Charlie on June 2, 1990. Bottom: People crossing the corner of Zimmerstrasse and Markgrafenstrasse today


Top: West Berliners welcoming East Berlin citizens who have crossed the border at the Allied checkpoint Charlie on November 9, 1989. Bottom: The same scene today


Top: West Berlin citizens continuing their vigil atop the Berlin Wall in front of the Brandenburg Gate on November 10, 1989. Bottom: Cars drive through the gate ten years later


Top: West Berlin citizens welcoming East Germans who passed the  checkpoint at Invalidenstrasse on November 9, 1989, after the opening of the East German border was announced. Bottom:  Invalidenstrasse on July 21, 2009


Top: West Berlin citizens welcoming East Germans who passed the Berlin Wall border checkpoint Invalidenstrasse in an East German Trabant car, on November 9, 1989. Bottom: Cars driving along Invalidenstrasse today


Top: People waving German flags on October 3, 1990 as they celebrate the country's reunification. Bottom the same view on October 20, 2009


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标签: 图说柏林墙今昔