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Coleco Adam
  Coleco Adam 是美国的玩具制造商 Coleco 公司企图接续其电视游乐器 ColecoVision 于1980年代初的成功而推出的家用电脑。取名为 Adam(亚当)是希望它能“咬”一口苹果公司的市场份额(参见伊甸园),然而它并不成功。有一部份是由于早期的量产问题。

 受到厚爱的Adam一开始就有丰富的软件库。它是由ColecoVision转变而来,并兼容ColecoVision的软件和附件。当时很普遍的CP/M操作系统也是一种选择。消费者买到的是一套完整的系统:一台有64KB内存的电脑、录音机、信件品质的打印机及软件(包含Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom游戏)。IBM PCjr当时的售价是669美元,但不付任何周边设备。至于Commodore 64,虽然主机售价仅约200美元,但在购买打印机、录音机或软驱及软件后,费用仍相当可观。
  * Adam在开机时会产生强大的磁场,其足以破坏所有留在机内或主机旁之磁性媒体的数据。更糟的是,某些Coleco的说明书指示用户在开机前放入录音带-据推测这些说明书可能是在此问题被发现前印的。
  * 由于Coleco应用了相当奇怪的设计-从打印机供应所有系统的电源,若是打印机故障,所有的系统都将无法作动。
  * 与当时其他电脑不一样的是,Adam没有内建于ROM的BASIC编译器。它内建的是SmartWriter-"电子打字机"与文书处理器、EOS(Elementary Operating System)操作系统核心与8K OS-7 ColecoVision操作系统。SmartBASIC编译器另附于其专有的Digital Data Pack录音带格式媒体中。
  * 若切换至文书处理模式,SmartWriter无法在不重开机的情况下切回打字机模式。
  * Adam的Digital Data Pack驱动器虽然比竟争对手的录音机更快,储存容量也更高,但较不可靠且仍无法与软驱的速度相比。Coleco最终推出了160K 5英寸软驱给Adam使用。
 Adam由于其高品质的键盘、打印机和具竟争力的音效、图像而收到了一些好评。它的BASIC编译器-SmartBASIC-与Applesoft BASIC的兼容非常好,也就是说许多电脑书、杂志介绍的type-in程序不需修改或及需微小修改即可在Adam上运行。

  一家叫做Telegames的公司买下了Adam的存货与权利并透过邮购贩售。他们继续了一些游戏的开发并售出大幅重新设计过的产品-Personal Arcade,直到该公司被龙卷风摧毁财产为止。
  Adam使Coleco赔掉的钱即使是以Cabbage Patch Kids赚来的钱也无法弥补。Coleco于1988年申请宣告破产。



垃圾台式电脑之Coleco Adam 回目录

在1983年玩具厂商Coleco推出了两个革命性的产品:售价600美元的家用电脑Adam,以及价值40美元的Cabbage Patch Kids玩具系列。Adam号称是第一台能满足所有需求的家庭电脑,其组成中包括录音机和打印机。

 CPU: Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 MHz
  支持处理器: 三个Motorola 6801 @ 1 MHz (内存 & I/O、录音带与键盘控制)
  内存:64KB,16KB视频内存,32KB ROM
  扩充:3个内部插槽、1个卡匣插槽与一62.5kbit/s half-duplex序列槽-AdamNet。在右侧另有一个与ColecoVision相同的扩充插槽。
  第二存储媒体:Digital Data Pack录音带,256KB
  图像:德州仪器 TMS9928A (类似在TI-99/4A内的TMS9918)
  256 × 192 分辨率
  32 叠图


TYPE  Home Computer
YEAR  June 1983
BUILT IN LANGUAGE  SmartWriter wordprocessor, Smart BASIC delivered on data-pack
KEYBOARD  Full-stroke keyboard with separated arrow keys, ten command keys and six programmable function keys. 75 keys
CPU  Zilog Z80 A
SPEED  4 mHz
CO-PROCESSOR  6801 Master-microcomputer
RAM  64 kb (25 kb available with Smart Basic), upgradable to 144 kb
VRAM  16 kb
ROM  32 kb
TEXT MODES  40 x 24 / 36 x 24
GRAPHIC MODES  256 x 192
SOUND  3 voices, 5 octaves
I/O PORTS  Cartridge slot (complete system only), RGB video out, 2 x Joystick sockets, expansion port, 2 x ADAMNET port (serial port used to connect printer, digital tapes and keyboard), 3 x card connectors inside the case
BUILT IN MEDIA  1 - Digital data pack reader (real to real magnetic tape encased in a Lexan cassette), 256 KB. There is a room for an optional second one
OS  EOS (Elementary Operating System) / OS-7
POWER SUPPLY  Built-in the printer !
PERIPHERALS  Second digital data-pack drive, 5''1/4 disk-drive, modem, 64k RAM expansion
PRICE  $700 (USA, 1983)
$300 (USA, 1985)
$100 (USA, 1987)
1510 (France, 1984)
915 (France, 1985)


Ah, finally, "The first, complete, single-package family computer that includes all necessary hardware and software", at least in Coleco's eyes.

Released in October 1983, the Adam was available in two versions, as an add-on to the very popular ColecoVision game system, or as a stand-alone home computer system, as seen above.

At $600, the Adam was a great deal, including a letter-quality printer, high speed built-in storage, and 64K of user RAM.

Data storage is via built-in cassette drives. Ordinary audio cassettes cannot be used, they are not of sufficient quality to reliably store computer data.

Coleco sold high quality tapes specifically made for the Adam, capable of withstanding the high-speed 20 ips (inches per second) read/write and 80 ips rewind speeds.

SmartBASIC is one of many applications and games available on "Adam High Speed Digital Data Pack".

The Adam also has a cartridge slot on top to accept and play all ColecoVision game cartridges.

Although the Adam has a high-speed serial bus specifically for Adam peripherals, it has no standard serial or parallel ports for printers, modems, and other standard peripherals.

The included daisy-wheel printer is very noisy and slow, printing about 10 characters per second, but it has much better print quality than any dot-matrix printer, a cheaper and more common printer of the 1980's.

The daisy-wheel printer has a spinning disk, or daisy-wheel, with all of the printable characters on the outer edge. If the printer is told to print the letter "a", it spins the daisy-wheel until the character "a" is at the top, then hits it with a striker, imprinting the "a" on the paper, similar to a typewriter.

The printer continues to spin and strike the daisy-wheel until all the appropriate text has been printed. The printer has to know where all of the characters are located on the daisy-wheel, otherwise it wouldn't know when to strike it. Because of this, it is probably best to use a daisy-wheel supplied by Coleco, although many other daisy-wheels have nearly the same character layout for standardization.

Here is an example of the Adam daisy-wheel print quality:

The printer is connected to the Adam console via the AdamNet, a 62.5K bps, half-duplex, shared serial bus. Can you run the Adam without the printer? No - the printer contains the power supply for the entire system, so it must always be hooked-up and turned on.

After the Adam was released in October 1983, Coleco had to cease distribution of the Adam and fix the printer, which was having reliability problems. Because of this, Coleco missed the 1983 Christmas buying season, a major disappointement and loss of revenue.

By the time they got the Adam fixed and were shipping again, people believed that it was an unreliable system, and shyed away from it.
Coleco stopped shipping systems in January 1985, after only one year. 
Some of the Adam's interesting features:
  • There is no operating system built-in, just a word processor. You can load the SmartBASIC programming language (included) from cassette tape.
  • One or two built-in digital cassette drives transfer data at 19.2K baud, storing 256K bytes of data per tape.
  • The letter-quality Adam daisy-wheel printer is required, as it contains the power supply for the rest of the system.
  • The Adam is compatible with all ColecoVision game cartridges.
  • Keep the Data Packs (cassettes) away from the printer! And turning the Adam on/off with a Data Pack in the drive may cause data loss!

    In September 1983, Popular Science magazine published an article about the Adam computer, having just been previewed at the 1983 Chicago CES (Consumer Electronics Show).

    The funniest thing about the Adam computer is the single box which everything came in - it's giant! 10 X 20 X 40 inches and 35 pounds. Basketball not included.
  • 大事记回目录

  • 1932: - Coleco (COnneticut LEather COmpany) Industries is founded as a leather products company.
  • 1960: - Coleco is the world's largest manufacturer of above-ground swimming pools.
  • 1976: - Coleco released the Telstar Arcade.
  • 1982: June - Coleco announces the ColecoVision video game system.
  • 1983: June - Coleco announces the Coleco Adam, at the Summer CES.
  • 1983: October - Coleco begins shipping the Adam. System problems caused them to stop shipping until 1984.
  • 1985: January - Coleco sells off its Adam inventory and leaves the computer business.
  • 1988: - Coleco files for bankruptcy.
  • 1989: - Coleco is bought-out by Hasbro.

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