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历史版本2:IT业1月5日 返回词条

1月5日 1909 著名数学家Stephen Cole Kleene诞生
  1980 惠普HP)推出第一台个人电脑HP-85
  1994 苹果宣布推出专有的在线系统服务e-World
01/05/2007 'Project Entropia' real estate sale fetches $179,000
01/05/2007 Researcher says QuickTime hole still a problem
01/05/2007 Internet Explorer Vulnerable To Adobe XSS Bug
01/05/2007 PDF security risk greater than originally thought
01/05/2007 MS Fights to Own Your Office Docs
01/05/2007 Toshiba Brings HD DVD Write Drive to Desktop PCs
01/05/2007 'Web 2.0' Proves Most Popular Wikipedia Entry
01/05/2007 Amazon.com launches independent Endless.com
01/05/2007 NBC exec joins Google
01/05/2007 Three Intel quad-cores coming Monday
01/05/2007 1TB drives getting ready to hit the streets
01/05/2007 10,000 Chinese domain names vanish amid Web chaos
01/05/2007 OpenOffice patches 'highly critical' flaw
01/05/2007 Dems in Congress Living in Virtual Reality
01/05/2006 Intel formally unveils host of new chips
01/05/2006 If Your CD's Double as Coasters, Here's One That Can Take It
01/05/2006 Document security myths busted
01/05/2006 Microsoft pushes out Windows patch ahead of time
01/05/2006 CES Unveils Satellite Radio/MP3 Players
01/05/2006 Gates takes wraps off Windows Vista
01/05/2006 Netgear to offer first Wi-Fi phone for Skype calling
01/05/2006 CES: Blu-ray Disc launch to lag HD-DVD by 3 months
01/05/2006 Gates unveils his 'Urge'
01/05/2006 Gates sees IBM not Google as top Microsoft rival
01/05/2006 26? No, 11. Kids lie to get on hot social Web sites
01/05/2006 Bye-bye hard drive, hello flash
01/05/2006 Linux newbies get a helping hand
01/05/2006 1 In 10 Now Use Mozilla's Firefox
01/05/2006 Do avatars dream of electric racoons?
01/05/2006 Gates promises Windows everywhere
01/05/2006 Another Sober Worm Set to Strike
01/05/2006 Opera Expands Into Entertainment
01/05/2006 Spammer slapped with billion-dollar fine
01/05/2006 HP dumps iTunes for Rhapsody
01/05/2006 Dungeons & Dragons Online Dated
01/05/2006 California dreamin' for concept cars
01/05/2006 Year Of The 'Wiki?'
01/05/2006 Google to Offer Video Downloads, Software That Rivals Microsoft's
01/05/2005 Apple cuts Cinema Display prices
01/05/2005 Oracle Ousts Top Execs
01/05/2005 'Spam King' to Stop Invading Computers
01/05/2005 Few takers for payments from Microsoft settlement
01/05/2005 Adobe offers PDF confidentiality feature
01/05/2005 Hackers step up search for unpatched servers
01/05/2005 VXers creating 150 zombie programs a week
01/05/2004 Transmeta Unveils X86 Processors For Small Devices
01/05/2004 MySQL Gains Traction Among Database Developers
01/05/2004 NASA Craft Captures Comet Images
01/05/2004 Mars rover landing scoops up record traffic for NASA site
01/05/2004 Court duel between advertisers on Internet
01/05/2004 Holiday online spending up significantly
01/05/2004 Cracks in Linux Kernel Plugged
01/05/2004 $1 million Grand Challenge map leaked on Web
01/05/2004 Fake universities thrive on the web
01/05/2004 Rumours fuel top Google searches
01/05/2004 Net cheats 'devaluing coursework'
01/05/2004 Security group warns of hole in Linux kernel
01/05/2004 Brief: Kana inks deal to buy Hipbone
01/05/2004 Novell files for copyright on SCO code
01/05/2004 Better search results than Google?
01/05/2004 Watchdog Sues Music Labels Over Copy-Protected CDs
01/05/2004 'DVD Jon' Seals Victory as Police Skip Appeal
01/05/2004 Man Sues Firm Over Unsolicited E-Mails
01/05/2004 New Worm Strikes MSN Messenger










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