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网民也就是日常经常上网的人。简单来说,假如互联网是一个国家的话,网民就是这个国家的公民。它是一个概念模糊的词,没有确切的定义。来自英语的Netizen,是一个混成词,语源自“互联网”(Internet)及“市民”(citizen)两个概念。“Netizen”在英语里像1990年代末互联网泡沫的许多词汇一样没有被流行化。现在常用来表达此词义的英语词汇是“web user”(网络用户)。作为一个网民,他每天都要花上数个小时在网上。这些时间可能他在工作、可能在阅读电子邮件、也可能在聊天室或留言板与其他人交谈。在中国大陆,他们会称呼一些经常呆在网上的人为网虫。这些网虫很可能已经把日常生活的大部份工作,例如:安排会议、记事等各种功能都搬到网上的门户网站去。另外,再加上现时各种各样的移动通信设备,使网民即使离开了办公室及家居,仍然可以随时随地的上网。





A Netizen (a portmanteau of Internet and citizen) or cybercitizen is a person actively involved in online communities.


Netizens can use the Internet to engage in activities of extended social groups, such as giving and receiving viewpoints, furnishing information, fostering the Internet as an intellectual and a social resource, and making choices for the self-assembled communities. Generally, a netizen can be any user of the worldwide, unstructured forums of the Internet. The word netizen itself was coined by Michael Hauben.

Generally, Netizens are Internet users who utilize the networks from their home, workplace, or school (among other places). Netizens try to be conducive to the Internet's use and growth. Netizens, who use and know about the network of networks, usually have a self-imposed responsibility to make certain that it is improved in its development while encouraging free speech and open access. Netizens' use of the Internet around the world has been marked by:

Medium Description
E-mail Delivery of letters by means of the Internet, as a replacement to the traditional based paper correspondence letters.
Online chat Establishing of one-on-one or group conversations by means of the Internet.
Instant messaging Software which enables real time conversations without the need of using a website (in contrast to online chats).
Internet fora Web Sites which serve to hold discussions in defined subjects.
Online games Multiplayer Computer games which are played through the Internet.
Blog A kind of log in which the writer(s) writes in it in any possible subject in which he or she desires to talk discuss at any time the author(s) so desires, and in which the writer(s) control access to.
Feedback comment system A Mechanism used in web sites to post responses from the internet users, which is mostly used in the news web sites, in blogs and in the other additional sites
File sharing A technology which enables the internet users to share files from their computers with other internet users, and in return the same internet user is capable of downloading files from the computer of other internet users. This enables the fast distribution, not always legal, of software, music, etc.
Gopher A distributed document search and retrieval network protocol designed for the Internet. Its goal is to function as an improved form of Anonymous FTP, enhanced with hyperlinking features similar to that of the World Wide Web.
Wiki A collection of web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content, using a simplified markup language.

In internet commerce, Netizens in an internet community form a social commerce framework with other netizens of the global community.

The term was frequently used in Korea where there were vigorous netizens movements. The election of President Roh Moo-hyun of South Korea in 2002 is widely attributed to the support for him among South Korean netizens, especially OhmyNews.


图为美国互联网网民领域专家Ronda Hauben。

  人民网北京9月14日电 (记者 郭晶)今天上午,美国互联网网民领域专家Ronda Hauben在“首届中国网民文化节庆典”上谈及网民概念的起源,称是迈克尔在20世纪90年代通过其研究和著作提出的概念,把那些有社会责任感,关注公共利益的网络使用者称为网民。

  1992年迈克尔通过计算机网络发出了一系列问题来问互联网网民,他们的互联网体验是什么样,通过调查问卷他得到非常惊讶的结论,这些网民感兴趣的不仅仅是互联网能够给他们自己带来什么样的好处,更重要的是如何能够更好的传播互联网,如何通过互联网建设一个更美好的世界。迈克尔把那些有社会责任感,关注公共利益的网络使用者称为网民。Ronda Hauben对此说,从这个概念可以看出,网民不包括所有的网络使用者,而是那些关注公共利益的网络使用者。

  Ronda Hauben说,互联网是国际的,不受地理区域限制的概念,可以看到网民不是一个国家的公民,而是整个网络的公民。这些用户是互联网授权的用户,他们称为网民,迈克尔先生还写过一篇文章《网络对人们生活的影响》,网民的概念通过这篇文章得到广泛的传播,正是通过互联网使网民概念得到更好的传播。









至今,各国的网民都在感激互联网带来的全球互联。在35年前,互联网的发展始于一个协作的科研项目。最开始的时候,互联网并不常被人们认可是一个世界性的进步,而科学家JCR Licklider博士的设想为扩大互联网的社会和国际影响提供了坚实的基础。


































□ 傅达林 《民主与法制》 2009年第03期











    因此,对待网络公民,任何过度的鼓吹都是危险的,都有可能遮蔽现实中真正的问题,都是问题复杂性的无视。(朱四倍 )






Proposed Declaration of the Rights of Netizens
We Netizens have begun to put together a Declaration of the Rights of Netizens and are requesting from other Netizens contributions, ideas, and suggestions of what rights should be included. Following are some beginning ideas.

The Declaration of the Rights of Netizens:

In recognition that the net represents a revolution in human communications that was built by a cooperative non-commercial process, the following Declaration of the Rights of the Netizen is presented for Netizen comment.
As Netizens are those who take responsibility and care for the Net, the following are proposed to be their rights:
o Universal access at no or low cost
o Freedom of Electronic Expression to promote the exchange of knowledge without fear of reprisal
o Uncensored Expression
o Access to Broad Distribution
o Universal and Equal access to knowledge and information
o Consideration of one\'s ideas on their merits
o No limitation to access to read, to post and to otherwise contribute
o Equal quality of connection
o Equal time of connection
o No Official Spokesperson
o Uphold the public grassroots purpose and participation
o Volunteer Contribution - no personal profit from the contribution freely given by others
o Protection of the public purpose from those who would use it for their private and money making purposes

The Net is not a Service, it is a Right. It is only valuable when it is collective and universal. Volunteer effort protects the intellectual and technological common-wealth that is being created.

Inspiration from: RFC 3 (1969), Thomas Paine, Declaration of Independence (1776), Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789), NSF Acceptable Use Policy, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and the current cry for democracy worldwide.
提案的灵感来源于:RFC 3文档规范 (1969), 托马斯·潘恩, 《独立宣言》 (1776), 《人权和公民权宣言》 (1789), NSF Acceptable Use Policy, 让·雅各·卢梭, 以及当今全球范围内对民主制度的呼吁。

The Vision of Interactive Computing and the Future
By Michael Hauben
作者:Michael Hauben 邮箱:hauben@columbia.edu

What is the reality behind all the talk about the so called "Information Superhighway"? This is an important question which U.S. government policy makers seem to be ignoring. However, understanding the history of the current global computer networks is a crucial step towards building the network of the future. There is a vision that guided the origin and development of the Internet, Usenet and other associated physical and logical networks. What is that vision?

While the global computer networks are basically young -- the ARPANET started in 1969 -- their 25 plus years of growth has been substantial. The ARPANET was the experimental network connecting the mainframe computers of universities and other contractors funded and encouraged by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense. The ARPANET started out as a research test bed for computer networking, communication protocols, computer and data resource sharing, etc. However, what it developed into was something surprising. The widest use of the ARPANET was for computer facilitated human-human communication using electronic mail (e-mail) and discussion lists. (Popular lists included Human-Nets, Wine-Tasters and Sci-Fi Lovers lists.) The human communications achievements of ARPANET research continue to be today\'s most popular usage of the Net by a growing number and variety of people through e-mail, Usenet discussion groups, mailing lists, internet relay chat, and so on. The ARPANET was the product of previous U.S. government funded research in interactive computing and time-sharing of computers.


Section 2
Until the 1960s, computers operated almost exclusively in batch mode. Programmers punched or had their programs punched onto cards. Then the stack of punched cards was provided to the local computer center. The computer operator assembled stacks of cards into batches to be feed to the computer for continuous processing. Often a programmer had to wait over a day in order to see the results from his or her input. In addition, if there were any mistakes in the creation of the punched cards, the stack or part of it had to be punched again and resubmitted, which would take another day. Bugs in the code could only be discovered after an attempt to compile the code and therefore "debugging" was a slow process. This batch processing mode was a very inefficient way of utilizing the power of the computer. People began thinking of ways to alter the interface between people and computers. The idea of time-sharing developed among some in computer research communities. Time- sharing makes it possible for people to utilize a computer (then predominately the IBM mainframe) simultaneously. Time-sharing operates by giving the impression that the each user is the only one using the computer. This is executed by having the computer divvy out slices of CPU time to all the users in a rapid, sequential manner.
直到1960年,计算机几乎只能以批处理的方式运行。程序员通过卡片打孔编程。然后成堆打上孔的卡片被送到当地的计算机中心。计算机操作员把卡片分类分批,喂入电脑进行连续处理。通常,一个程序员需要等上一整天才能看到输入内容的结果。而且,如果在制卡过程中出现了任何错误,这堆卡片或者它们中的一部分就得重新制作和提交,又得花上一番功夫。编码中的错误只有在编译后才会被发现,因此“程序调试”是缓慢的过程。批处理模式降低了计算机的使用效率。人们开始寻找改变人机界面的方法。在计算机研究社团中,有些人产生了“分时”的创意。“分时”使人们同时使用计算机 变成可能(当时使用的多是IBM的主机)。“分时”运行时,为每个用户制造计算机唯一使用者的假象。它的实现依赖计算机通过快速的连续运算法,为每个用户分配CPU时间片。 Crucial to the development of today\'s global computer networks was the vision of researchers interested in time-sharing. These researchers began to think about social issues related to time-sharing. They observed the communities that formed from the people who used time-sharing systems and considered the social significance of these communities. Two of the pioneers involved in research in time-sharing at MIT, Fernando Corbato and Robert Fano, wrote, "The time-sharing computer system can unite a group of investigators in a cooperative search for the solution to a common problem, or it can serve as a community pool of knowledge and skill on which anyone can draw according to his needs. Projecting the concept on a large scale, one can conceive of such a facility as an extraordinarily powerful library serving an entire community in short, an intellectual public utility."(1)
感兴趣的研究人员对“分时”的看法,决定了现在遍布全球的电脑网络的发展。研究员开始思考与分时有关的社会问题。他们观察分时系统使用者组成的社团,评估这些社团的社会意义。MIT研究分时的先锋人物中的两个,Fernando Corbato和Robert Fano写道,“ 分时系统可以聚集起一组研究者,合作寻找一个共同问题的解决办法,或许它就像汇聚了知识和技能的公共水池,任何人都可以按需提取。放大这个概念,人们可以简单地把它想像成一座能为所有人服务的超级图书馆,一个智能公共设施。”

Section 2
Research in time-sharing started in the early 1960s around the country at different research centers. Some examples were CTSS (Compatible Time-sharing System) at MIT, DTSS (Dartmouth Time-sharing System) at Dartmouth, a system at BBN, Project GENIE at the University of California at Berkeley, and so on. J.C.R. Licklider, the founding director of ARPA\'s Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO) thought of time-sharing as interactive computing. Interactive computing meant the user could communicate and respond to the computer\'s responses in a way that batch processing did not allow.

Licklider was one of the first users of the new time-sharing systems, and took the time to play around with them. Examining the uses of this new way of communicating with the computer enabled Licklider to think about the future possibilities. This was helpful because Licklider went on to establish the priorities and direction for ARPA\'s IPTO research monies. Many of the interviewees in a series of interviews conducted by the Charles Babbage Institute (CBI) said that ARPA\'s money was given in those days under Licklider\'s guidance to seed research which would be helpful to society in general and only secondarily helpful to the military.
Licklider是新分时系统最早使用人之一,有大把的时间摆弄它们。为新的人机交流方法做测试,使Licklider可以思考关于未来的可能性。这起了大作用,因为Liclider接着为ARPA下IPTO的研究资金建立了优先顺序和去向。在Charles Babbage研究所(CBI)编导的一系列采访中,大多数受访者表示,ARPA的资金来自Licklider指导种子研究时期。通常情况下,种子研究对社会最有益处,其次才是军事。

Section 3
Both Robert Taylor and Larry Roberts, future successors of Licklider as director of IPTO, pinpoint Licklider as the originator of the vision which set ARPA\'s priorities and goals and basically drove ARPA to help develop the concept and practice of networking computers.

In one of the CBI interviews, Roberts said: "what I concluded was that we had to do something about communications, and that really, the idea of the galactic network that Lick talked about, probably more than anybody, was something that we had to start seriously thinking about. So in a way networking grew out of Lick\'s talking about that, although Lick himself could not make anything happen because it was too early when he talked about it. But he did convince me it was important."(2)

Robert Taylor 和Larry Roberts,未来的IPTO项目主任Licklider的继承人,两人明确地指出,作为创见的缔造者Licklider确立了ARPA的优先次序和目标,从根本上驱使ARPA帮助网络电脑概念和实践的发展。

Section 4
Taylor, also in a CBI conducted interview, pointed out the importance of Licklider\'s vision to future network development, "I don\'t think anyone who\'s been in that DARPA position since [Licklider] has had the vision that Licklider had. His being at that place at that time is a testament to the tenuousness of it all. It was really a fortunate circumstance. I think most of the significant advances in computer technology, especially in the systems part of computer science were simply extrapolations of Licklider\'s vision. They were not really new visions of their own. So he\'s really the father of it all."(3)

Taylor also described how research in time-sharing led to surprising results. He succeeded Licklider as Director of the IPTO at ARPA. A phrase that J.C.R. Licklider frequently used to express his vision was "an Intergalactic Network." Taylor explains that Licklider used this phrase to describe the potential community that he realized would emerge from the interconnection of the local communities of Net users that develop from time-sharing. At first, Taylor notes ARPA supported research had as its goal achieving compatibility and resource sharing across different computer systems. However, he explains,
Taylor还形容了分时研究是如何得到意外成果的。他继承了Licklider的职位,成为ARPA里IPTO 项目主任。J.C.R Licklider经常用"银河间网络"来表达他的构想。Taylor解释到,分时发展出本地网民社区的互联,Licklider用这个词形容从中促生的潜在社区。一开始,Taylor强调,ARPA支持的研究达成目标,在不同的电脑系统间实现兼容和资源共享。然而,他解释到,

Section 5
"They were just talking about a network where they could have a compatibility across these systems, and at least do some load sharing, and some program sharing, data sharing that sort of thing. Whereas, the thing that struck me about the time-sharing experience was that before there was a time-sharing system, let\'s say at MIT, then there were a lot of individual people who didn\'t know each other who were interested in computing in one way or another, and who were doing whatever they could, however they could. As soon as the time-sharing system became usable, these people began to know one another, share a lot of information, and ask of one another, \'How do I use this? Where do I find that?\' It was really phenomenal to see this computer become a medium that stimulated the formation of a human community. And so, here ARPA had a number of sites by this time, each of which had its own sense of community and was digitally isolated from the other one. I saw a phrase in the Licklider memo. The phrase was in a totally different context something that he referred to as an \'intergalactic network.\' I asked him about this ... in fact I said, \'Did you have a networking of the ARPANET sort in mind when you used that phrase?\' He said, \'No, I was thinking about a single time-sharing system that was intergalactic \'"(4)

As Taylor explains, the users of the time-sharing systems would form, usually unexpectedly, a new community. People were connected to others who were also interested in these new computing systems.

Section 6
The vision driving ARPA inspired bright researchers working on computer related topics. Roberts explains that Licklider\'s work (and that of the IPTO\'s directors after him) educated people who were to become the future leaders in the computer industry. Roberts describes the impact that Licklider and his vision made on ARPA and future IPTO directors: "Well, I think that the one influence is the production of people in the computer field that are trained, and knowledgeable, and capable, and that form the basis for the progress the United States has made in the computer field. That production of people started with Lick, when he started the IPTO program and started the big university programs. It was really due to Lick, in large part, because I think it was that early set of activities that I continued with that produced the most people with the big university contracts. That produced a base for them to expand their whole department, and produced excitement in the university"(5)

Roberts describes how ARPA supported university research had a significant impact on the computer industry as well. "So it was clear that that was a big impact on the universities and therefore, in the industry. You can almost track all those people and see what effect that has had. The people from those projects are in large part the leaders throughout the industry"(6)

Roberts又描述了ARPA支持的大学研究项目如何对电脑工业起重要影响。“很清楚,对大学和整个工业,那都是大影响。 你几乎可以追踪所有这些人,观察起了什么效果。项目里很大一部分人成为同行业里的领袖。”(6)

Section 7
Licklider\'s vision was of an "Intergalactic Network," a time-sharing utility that would serve the entire galaxy. This early vision of time-sharing spawned the idea of interconnecting different time-sharing systems by networking them together. This network would allow those on geographically separated time-sharing systems to share data, programs, research, and later other ideas and anything that could be typed out. In the article, "The Computer as a Communications Device", Licklider and Taylor predicted the creation of a global computer network. They wrote: "We have seen the beginnings of communication through a computer -- communication among people at consoles located in the same room or on the same university campus or even at distantly separated laboratories of the same research and development organization. This kind of communication -- through a single multiaccess computer with the aid of telephone lines -- is beginning to foster cooperation and promote coherence more effectively than do present arrangements for sharing computer programs by exchanging magnetic tape by messenger or mail."(7)

They point out how the interconnection of computers leads to a much broader class of connections than might have been expected. A new form of community is generated. "The collection of people, hardware, and software the multiaccess computer together with its local community of users will become a node in a geographically distributed computer network. Let us assume for a moment that such a network has been formed. Through the network of message processors, therefore, all the large computers can communicate with one another. And through them, all the members of the super community can communicate with other people, with programs, with data, or with a selected combinations of those resources."(8)
Licklider的构想是“跨银河网络” ,一个为全银河服务的分时设备。从分时早期的构想中孵化出了新的想法,把不同的分时系统通过网络连接起来。r有些人使用空间相隔的分时体统,这个网络可以让他们共享数据,项目,研究,和各种想得出的东西。在“作为通信设备的计算机”一文中,Licklider 和Taylor预测了未来全球网络的建立。他们写道:“我们已经见证了电脑交流的开始——操作员间的交流,他们可能就在同一个房间也可能只在同一个学院,甚至可能是在同一个研究发展组织下相隔遥远的实验室里。这种交流在一条电话线的帮助下,通过一台多用户电脑实现。比起过去,通过邮递员或信件交换磁带为分享电脑程序做准备,现在更有效地 加强了合作,增进凝聚力。”(7)

Section 8
Licklider and Taylor consider more than just hardware and software when they write about the new social dynamics that the connections of dispersed computers and people will create. They explain: "[These communities] will be communities not of common location, but of common interest. In each field, the overall community of interest will be large enough to support a comprehensive system of field-oriented programs and data."(9)

In exploring this community of common affinity, they describe the main advantages that come from connecting to and being part of these new computer facilitated communities. Life will be enriched for those people who can communicate on-line with others who have similar goals and interests, as they won\'t be limited by geography. Communication will be more productive and thus more enjoyable.And the kind of programs that those

on-line will have access to will be customized to one\'s interestsand abilities,
and thus more satisfying. And they describe the advantagesto society
that the increased opportunities and resources made possible by the Net can provide for everyone.(10)
当Licklider 和 Taylor撰写新的社会动力学时,他们考虑的远不止硬件和软件,分散的电脑和人的联系将被建立,。他们解释到,“”‘这些社团’不因同处一地而立,而是因为共同的兴趣。在每个领域,兴趣社团总量将足够大去支持包含场定向程序及数据的综合系统”。(9)

Section 9
Since the advantages that computer networks make possible for society will only happen if these advantages are available to all who want to make use of them, Licklider and Taylor realize there is a crucial challenge put on the agenda of our times by the development of the Net. They conclude their article with a prophetic question: "Will `to be on line\' be a privilege or a right?"(11) They argue that it must be a right. Otherwise, instead of providing all the many benefits it makes possible, it will only increase the inequities of intellectual opportunity that currently exist.

The challenge they raise is one of access. The authors point out that the positive effects of computer networking will only come about if the networks are made easy to use and available to all. They argue that access should be made available because of the global benefits that would ensue. They conclude by describing how humankind can benefit immeasurably from the educational opportunities the Net makes possible, "if the network idea should prove to do for education what a few have envisioned in hope...surely the boon to humankind would be beyond measure."(12)
因为只有在这些优势可以被所有需要它们的人使用时,电脑网络对社会带来的优势才会显现。 Licklider和Taylor意识到,网络的发展已经把这个关键的挑战放上我们的日程表。他们用一个预言性的问题总结他们的文章:“‘上网’是权利还是特权?”(11)他们主张上网权,否则,它无法提供本可带来的诸多利益,反而加剧业已存在的教育机会的不平等。

Section 10
Licklider and Taylor raise the important point that access should be made available to all who want to use the computer networks. Therefore it is important to ask if the National Information Infrastructure is being designed with the principle of equality of access. The vision of the interconnection and interaction of diverse communities guided the creation of the original ARPANET. In the design of the expansion of the Net, it is important to keep the original vision in mind to consider if the vision was correct, or if it was just important in the initial development of networking technologies and techniques. However, very little emphasis has been placed on either the study of Licklider\'s vision or the role and advantages of the Net up to this point. In addition, the public has not been allowed to play a role in the planning process for the new initiatives which the U.S. government is currently undertaking. This is a plea to you to demand more of a part in the development of the future of the Net.


Notes for CHAPTER 5

(1) "Time-sharing on Computers", in Information, A Scientific American Book, San Francisco, 1966, p. 76.
Licklider和Taylor得出向所有需要者开放网络访问的重要观点。因此确认国家信息基础建设是否按照访问公平原则设计很重要。 不同社团间互联和相互作用的构想,指导了原始ARPA网络的建立。在对未来网络膨胀的计划中,时刻坚持原本构想,确认构想是否正确是重要的,又或者这仅仅在网络科技和技术发展的早期才重要。虽然到目前为止,无论是对Licklider构想的学习还是对网络扮演的角色和及其优势,都没有得到真正的重视。而且公众还未被允许参与近期美国政府承诺的新举措的规划过程。这是对你的请求,希望你对网络未来的发展提出更多的要求。

第五章注释 (1)“电脑分时”,科学美国人出版,圣弗朗西斯科,1966,第76页。

Section 11
(2) Lawrence G. Roberts, Interview by Arthur L. Norberg, 4 April 1989, San Mateo, California, Charles Babbage Institute, The Center for the History of Information Processing, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnnesota, p. 29.

(3) Robert W. Taylor, Interview by William Aspray, 28 February 1989, Palo Alto, California, Charles Babbage Institute, The Center for the History of Information Processing, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, Minnnesota, p. 8.

(4) Ibid., p. 24.

(5) Lawrence G. Roberts Interview, p. 29.

(6) Ibid., p. 30.

(7) "The Computer as a Communication Device," in In Memoriam: J.C.R. Licklider: 1915-1990, p. 28.

(8) Ibid., p. 32.

(9) Ibid., p. 38.

(10) Ibid., p. 40.

(11) Ibid., p. 40.

(12) Ibid., p. 40.

Last Updated: October 15, 1995


This article is a draft chapter from Michael Hauben\'s <hauben@columbia.edu> and Ronda Hauben\'s <rh120@columbia.edu> netbook titled "Netizens: On the History and Impact of Usenet and the Internet."

Commercial use is prohibited*
Please send us any comments about this draft. Send comments to both hauben@columbia.edu and rh120@columbia.edu.
(2) Lawrence G. Roberts, Arthur L. Norberg采访, 1989年4月4号,加利福尼亚的圣马特奥,明尼苏达大学(位于明尼苏达州的尼阿波利斯市)信息处理历史中心的Charles Babbage研究所。(明尼苏达州的尼阿波利斯市) p. 29.

(3) Robert W. Taylor, William Aspray采访,1989年二月28号,加利福尼亚的帕洛阿尔托, 明尼苏达大学(位于明尼苏达州的尼阿波利斯市)信息处理历史中心的Charles Babbage研究所。 p. 8.

(4) 同上, p. 24.

(5) Lawrence G. Roberts 的采访, p. 29.

(6)同上, p. 30.

(7) 《纪念J.C.R.Licklider: 1915-1990》, "The Comput作为通信设备的计算机" P. 28.

(8) 同上, p. 32.

(9) 同上, p. 38.

(10) 同上, p. 40.

(11) 同上, p. 40.

(12) 同上, p. 40.



本文章选自Michael Hauben和Ronda Hauben的草稿笔记,名为“网络公民:Usenet和因特网的历史和影响” 禁止商业转载 欢迎评论,请将评论发送至hauben@columbia.edurh120@columbia.edu.


This article is a draft chapter from Michael Hauben and Ronda Hauben\'s Netbook titled "The Netizens and the Wonderful World of the Net." Commercial use of this writing is prohibited and this draft is being made available for comment. Please send comments to both of us at hauben@columbia.edu and rh120@columbia.edu.


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标签: 网络公民 Netizens