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历史版本1:信息素养的布拉格宣言 返回词条




《布拉格宣言:走向具有信息素质的社会》是由2003年9月20至23日,联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)和美国图书情报学委员会(NCLIS)联合召开的信息素质专家会议(Information Literacy Meeting of Experts, Prague, The Czech Republic )发布的。这次会议共有来自世界23个国家的40位代表讨论了信息素质问题。会议认为如何使人们从Internet时代的信息和通信资源及技术中受益是当今社会面临的重要挑战。会议将信息素质定义为一种能力,它能够确定、查找、评估、组织和有效地生产、使用和交流信息,并解决面临的问题。布拉格宣言宣称信息素质是人们有效参与信息社会的一个先决条件,是终身学习的一种基本人权。其原文可在联合国教科文组织网站查询:


亚历山大宣言:信息社会灯塔:关于信息素质和终身学习的亚历山大宣言2005年11月6日至9日在埃及亚历山大城,由全国教科文组织(UNESCO), 国际图书馆协会联合会(IFLA) 和美国全国信息素质论坛联合召开了国际高级信息素质和终身学习研讨会(High-Level International Colloquium on Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning ),并发表了《信息社会灯塔:关于信息素质和终身学习的亚历山大宣言》(BEACONS OF THE INFORMATION SOCIETY THE ALEXANDRIA PROCLAMATION ON INFORMATION  LITERACY AND LIFELONG LEARNING)亚历山大宣言宣称信息素质和终身学习是信息社会的灯塔,照亮了通向发展、繁荣和自由之路。信息素质是终身学习的核心。它能使人们在整个一生中有效地寻求、评价、利用和创造信息,以便达到其个人的、社会的、职业的和教育的目标。它是数字社会的一种基本人权,能促进所有国家的社会内涵。亚历山大宣言全文也可在IFLA的网站上查询:http://www.ifla.org/III/wsis/BeaconInfSoc.html

走向信息社会——布拉格宣言 回目录





当今信息和通信的进步,只是增加了信息贫富之间的差距。布拉格会议与会者认为要改变这种状态要有三个基础:1) 随时有权使用信息和通信技术;2) 自由地使用所需的信息;3) 有信息素质的群体,他们认识到需要有一个信息素质的群体来推动一个有效的文明社会并形成一个竞争的劳动力市场。



UNESCO的基础教育部主任Shigeru Aoyagi认为:对全社会而言,信息素质正在成为一个越来越重要的因素,不仅是政策和策略,而且是促进人类发展的全球性政策。

前芬兰议院员Mirja Ryynanen鼓励与会者向政策决策者晓之以理,动之以情,向他们说明并证明获得信息素质是人的正当权利。

信息素质是人们有力地投身信息社会的一个先决条件,信息社会的建立对于21世纪及其后时代的社会、文化和经济发展至关重要。NCLIS顾问Woody Horton总结说:在信息社会的进程中,信息自身将成为社会战略性转换资源…。这就是为什么信息素质如此重要,因为没有它信息社会将永远不能发挥它的全部潜能并永不衰退,只能是一个不现实的梦。




资料来源: http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=13272&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html

Towards an Information Literate Society


Inequities among nations and individuals in today’s Information Society were targeted at a historic, first-of-its-kind meeting that was recently organized in Prague, Czech Republic, Forty participants from 23 different countries, representing all seven major geographic regions of the world, met to discuss Information Literacy.

With the support of UNESCO, and organized by the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) and the National Forum on Information Literacy, participants wrestled with the fundamental challenge of how to empower people to benefit from existing information and communication resources and technologies in an Internet Age.

To date, advancements in information and communication technologies have only increased the divide between the information rich and the information poor. Prague participants acknowledged the need for three elements to improve this situation: 1) ready access to information and communication technologies; 2) unrestricted availability of needed information; and 3) an information literate citizenry. They agreed that an information literacy citizenry is required to mobilize an effective civil society and create a competitive workforce.

Information Literacy was defined as the ability to identify, locate, evaluate, organize and effectively create, use and communicate information to address an issue or problem.

Participants of the meeting that was held from 20 to 23 September 2003 declared Information Literacy is a basic human right to life long learning.

Shigeru Aoyagi, Chief, Division of Basic Education, UNESCO, stated that: “For all societies, Information Literacy is becoming an increasingly important component of not only literacy policies and strategies, but also of global policies to promote human development.”

Former Finnish Parliament member Mirja Ryynanen urged participants to tell stories and use emotion in approaching policy makers to explain and justify peoples’ right to be information literate.

Information Literacy is a prerequisite for participating effectively in an Information Society. The creation of an Information Society is key to social, cultural, and economic development of nations and communities, institutions and individuals in the 21st century and beyond. NCLIS consultant Woody Horton summarized these concerns by saying, “In our emerging Information Society, information itself is becoming the strategic transforming resource of society…This is the reason why Information Literacy is so important, because, without it, the Information Society will never be able to rise to its full potential and will remain, instead, only an unrealized dream.”

Participants issued “The Prague Declaration: Toward an Information Literate Society” (attached). They further recommended that progress in, and opportunities for implementation of the meeting recommendations should be assessed by an International Congress on Information Literacy in the first half of 2005, and that the possibility of inclusion of Information Literacy within the United Nations Literacy Decade (2003-2012) should be considered by the international community.

Over 30 papers were commissioned for the Prague meeting by the author-participants, and served as a basis for the discussions. Both abstracts and the full papers are available at http://www.nclis.gov/libinter/infolitconf&meet/infolitconf&meet.html

The full report of the Prague meeting, with a complete set recommendations, will be available in December 2003.




















The Alexandria Proclamation on Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning
Celebrating this week's confirmation of the site of the Pharos of Alexandria, one of the ancient wonders of the world, the participants in the High Level Colloquium on Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning held at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina on 6-9 November 2005 proclaim that information literacy and lifelong learning are the beacons of the Information Society, illuminating the courses to development, prosperity and freedom.

Information Literacy lies at the core of lifelong learning. It empowers people in all walks of life to seek, evaluate, use and create information effectively to achieve their personal, social, occupational and educational goals. It is a basic human right in a digital world and promotes social inclusion of all nations.

Lifelong learning enables individuals, communities and nations to attain their goals and to take advantage of emerging opportunities in the evolving global environment for shared benefit. It assists them and their institutions to meet technological, economic and social challenges, to redress disadvantage and to advance the well being of all.

Information literacy

comprises the competencies to recognize information needs and to locate, evaluate, apply and create information within cultural and social contexts;
is crucial to the competitive advantage of individuals, enterprises (especially small and medium enterprises), regions and nations;
provides the key to effective access, use and creation of content to support economic development, education, health and human services, and all other aspects of contemporary societies, and thereby provides the vital foundation for fulfilling the goals of the Millennium Declaration and the World Summit on the Information Society; and
extends beyond current technologies to encompass learning, critical thinking and interpretative skills across professional boundaries and empowers individuals and communities.
Within the context of the developing Information Society, we urge governments and intergovernmental organizations to pursue policies and programs to promote information literacy and lifelong learning. In particular, we ask them to support

regional and thematic meetings which will facilitate the adoption of information literacy and lifelong learning strategies within specific regions and socioeconomic sectors;
professional development of personnel in education, library, information, archive, and health and human services in the principles and practices of information literacy and lifelong learning;
inclusion of information literacy into initial and continuing education for key economic sectors and government policy making and administration, and into the practice of advisors to the business, industry and agriculture sectors;
programs to increase the employability and entrepreneurial capabilities of women and the disadvantaged, including immigrants, the underemployed and the unemployed; and
recognition of lifelong learning and information literacy as key elements for the development of generic capabilities which must be required for the accreditation of all education and training programs.
We affirm that vigorous investment in information literacy and lifelong learning strategies creates public value and is essential to the development of the Information Society.

Adopted in Alexandria, Egypt at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina on 9 November 2005. 


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标签: Information Literacy 布拉格宣言 亚历山大宣言