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历史版本1:远程性爱 返回词条


Teledildonics (also known as "cyberdildonics") are electronic sex toys that can be controlled by a computer.[1] Promoters of these devices have claimed since the 1980s they are the "next big thing" in cybersex technology.[2] "Teledildonics" can also refer to the integration of telepresence with sex that these toys make possible — the term was coined in 1975 by Ted Nelson[3] in his Computer Lib/Dream Machines.

In its original conception, this technology was to have been used for remote sex (or, at least, remote mutual masturbation), where the physical sensations of touch could be transmitted over a data link between the participants.

Sex toys that can be manipulated remotely by another party are currently coming onto the market.[4] These toys sometimes come with prerecorded movies to which the toys' actions are synchronized by means of a previously-written script. Other products being released fit a new category called bluedildonics, which allow a sex toy to be controlled remotely via a Bluetooth connection.







  虚拟性爱发展的下一步是“远程性爱”(teledildonics)。这个词是Howard Rheingold在他的一本叫"虚拟真实"的书中创造的新词,意为身穿一件装有36个探测感应器的衣服。接通电源后在屏幕上点击你想要对你的同样身着感应服的伴侣进行刺激的身体部位。双击会加强刺激!今天,这个想法被一个名为Vivid Entertainment的色情电影制造厂采纳并发展,打算在不久的将来投放市场,但是来自美国FCC的指责给制造商带来了不少麻烦。然而,不要绝望,在其他地方还有其他人仍在研究发展这一类小机器呢。




“远程虚拟现实”(televirtual reality) 回目录

雅各布逊(Robert Jacobson)说,在今后十年内,VR技术将在以下5个领域内获得重大进展(亦见Walter
Lowe:Adventures in Cyberspace):




3、艺术和娱乐领域。人可以虚拟地进入一个艺术家和文学家们构想的各种世界当中, 可以自由地进入虚拟的游乐园、斗兽场,可以自由地当一次孙悟空或堂吉诃德。


5、“远程虚拟现实”(Televirtual reality)将会出现,这是最令人兴奋的技术。所谓“远程虚拟现实”,就是人们“通过电脑网络甚至电话系统来分享虚拟现实。”通过网络,人可以跨越时空,漫游各种奇境。人想堕落就可以不折不扣地堕落,想升华就可以踏踏实实地升华。在网上,你可以变成一名斯巴达的武士战斗在色摩比利山口与波斯人血战,可以变成海明威笔下的老人去与鲨鱼搏斗,可以进入大观园领略金陵十二钗的风姿。当然,你也可以成为唐·璜,成为曹植或贾宝玉,与某个你倾慕已久的“洛神”作巫山之会,云雨之欢。VR技术可以维妙维肖地复制出无数的马丽莲·梦露之类的尤物。(有人甚至生造了一个词--teledildonics,这个词可以译为“遥嫖”,指通过“远程虚拟现实”进行的色情活动。)与多媒体一样,虚拟现实很快就会成为一种网络现象。

一旦虚拟现实成为一种网络现象,电视更会因其简陋不堪而少有人问津了。 电视可以让人心甘情愿地当白痴,前提是人们除了电视再没有别的东西。就连婴幼儿也 不会满足于被动地接受,只要有机会,他们总会以其特有的方式去主动占有。一个儿童在有 了电子游戏机之后,很可能会在动画片播出的时间玩电子游戏(与虚拟现实相比,电子游戏实在是简陋不堪)。作为一种哑终端,电视天生与“互动性”、“适用性”(亦可译成“融洽性”、“因人而异性”、“善解人意性”)绝缘。在电视面前,人除了“看”之外,很难“做”什么。正如科斯克(Bart Kosko)说:“虚拟现实将不仅仅代替电视,它会将它生吃掉。”


Virtually Jenna 2.5[36MB]



性学家研讨未来科技性装置 满足各种性幻想的人造伴侣
(华翼新闻 - 科技新闻) 2006-04-19


  布鲁明顿印第安纳大学金赛性、性别和生殖研究所所长海曼(Julia Heiman)表示,「2016年前,很可能会推出一种多重感官经历的虚拟性行为。」


  「用过的人都觉得棒透了。」模拟娱乐(Sinulate Entertainment)总裁罗德斯说道,「这东西不仅是疯狂的少数人会用而已。」该公司过去三年来已售出数以千部通过网络连结的性设备。

  脑筋动得快的企业家则是有意开发结合色情视觉意象与真实环境的实质感官接触。XStream3D多媒体的总裁阿布兰姆表示,他们公司推出的在线游戏「虚拟珍娜」(Virtually Jenna),可以让玩家与卡通版的色情艳星珍娜詹姆森来段网交,并可通过硬件装置的连结获得性满足。(才知道这游戏纯属是一个体感软件,要配合硬件才能玩的.偶怎么联想到了Nintendo Wii ?蛮邪恶的说-_-b...实际上有鼠标就能玩,不过感觉就不怎么样了...)


  未来是否有可能更进一步研发出性机器人,像2001年裘德洛(组迪罗,Jude Law)在电影《AI:人工智能》(AI: Artificial Intelligence)饰演的性机器人,或是1973年伍迪艾伦的《傻瓜大闹科学城》(Sleeper)中描述的性高潮诱导器一般。



The future Of Sex 未来的性交回目录

Experts ponder a future of new sex gizmos, robots


SAN FRANCISCO - When America's top sex researchers gathered recently to discuss the next decade in their field, some envisioned a future in which artificial sex partners could cater to every fantasy.

"What is very likely to be present before 2016 would be a multi-sensual experience of virtual sex," said Julia Heiman, director of the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction at Indiana University, Bloomington.
Julia Heiman是美国印地安那大学金赛研究所的主任,这个研究所主要研究性,性别和生殖方面的问题。他说:在2016年以前最有可能出现的具有多重感官体验的虚拟性交。

"There is a possibility of developing erotic materials for yourself that would allow you to create a partner of certain dimensions and qualities, the partner saying certain things in that interaction, certain things happening in that interaction."

A field dubbed "teledildonics" already allows people at two remote computers to manipulate electronic devices such as a vibrator at the other end for sexual purposes.

"People who use it are just blown away," said Steve Rhodes, president of Sinulate Entertainment, which has sold thousands of Internet-connected sex devices over the past three years. "This is not something that just the lunatic fringe does."
Sinulate娱乐公司在过去三年中,卖掉了成千上万通过互联网连接的性器具,Sinulate娱乐公司的老板Steve Rhodes说:使用过这种产品的人无不惊喜万分,这中东西不是什么另类,仅仅是超出常规用途,使得大众哗然的事物。

blow sb away (PLEASE) phrasal verb [M] MAINLY US INFORMAL,to surprise or please someone very much:

the lunatic fringe DISAPPROVING OR HUMOROUS--people who have very strong opinions that are outside the usual range

"The Iraq war...was kind of a boom for our company."伊拉克战争是公司的一个成长契机。

Gina Lynn, who writes the "Sex Drive" column for Wired magazine, says she has used and enjoyed the Sinulator and says there is no reason to fear the technology.
Gina Lynn是Wired杂志“性冲动”栏目的专栏作家,她说她已经使用过Sinulator,没有任何理由惧怕这种技术。

"People are still really afraid of...any sort of combination of sex and technology and of the Internet," she said. "What people are missing here is the point, which is the human connection that we are facilitating through the technology."

"No one who is even inventing this stuff wants or even thinks that technology could ever replace human connection or sex."

Annie Sprinkle, a former adult film actress, prostitute and author of "Spectacular Sex," said teledildonics are a logical outgrowth of improvements in pleasure devices.
Annie Sprinkle是前成人影片的女演员,曾经做过妓女,也是“奇妙的性”一书的作者,她说远程性交在逻辑上已经大大超出了性欢愉产品的可改进的范围。

"Now people use vibrators like mad and rightly so; the technology of sex toys has vastly improved," she said. "The more options the better; I mean it can never replace body to body."

"Some people will love it more than anything else and others won't be into it."  一些人会对此情有独钟,而有些人不会碰它。



Entrepreneurs are also seeking to fuse explicit video imagery with real-life tactile sensation.

Brad Abram, president of XStream3D Multimedia, said his firm's "Virtually Jenna," an online game in which the player has sex with realistic cartoon of porn star Jenna Jameson, can link hardware devices following the action to genitalia.
Brad Abram是XStream3D多媒体公司的老板,他说他公司开发的"虚拟Jenna”网上游戏,能让游戏玩家和色情明星 Jenna Jameson的真人样卡通发生性交,这项游戏可以通过硬件,将性交的动作传递到生殖器上。

"None of the big publishers will probably venture in there so we could be like the Hustler or the Playboy or whatever, the Penthouse of adult gaming," the Vancouver, Canada-based Abram said. "Sex toys is a huge business."
在加拿大的温哥华的Abram说:大的游戏发行商还不敢冒险涉足,所以我们能仿效Hustler ,花花公子和Penthouse,开发成人游戏,性器具是个巨大产业。

His service, without the hardware, costs $29.95 a month, and he said several hundred thousand people have tried the online sex game to date. He expects the hardware area of such simulations to grow rapidly.
Abram说:他公司的这种的服务,如果不配备硬件,每月只要29.95 美元费用,数十万人已经通过网络性游戏来约会。他希望类似同步传感的硬件能快速壮大。

Is it possible to go a step further and come up with a sex robot such as that portrayed by actor Jude Law in the 2001 film "AI: Artificial Intelligence" or the orgasmatron machine of the 1973 Woody Allen movie "Sleeper?"
就像演员 Jude Law 在2001年上演的电影“人工智能”,或者像1973年Woody Allen主演的影片“睡眠者”中性高潮机器所描绘的那样:是否有可能只是领先一步之遥,推出性交机器人?

Carl DiSalvo, a doctoral candidate at Carnegie Mellon University's School of Design, has helped design a robotic device that simulates the warmth and feeling of a hug. He said such work could be expanded into the realm of sex.
Carnegie Mellon大学的设计学院博士生Carl DiSalvo帮助设计了一种机器人设备,能模拟出拥抱时的温热和感觉。他说这项成果可以扩展到性交领域。

"That hardly seems to be difficult," he said. But "a realistic encounter is where the thing gets to be much more expensive."

Companies such as realdoll.com sell very lifelike human-size sex dolls without electronics for $6,500, not including $500 shipping. DiSalvo is skeptical about the demand for such high-end devices, as is San Francisco sexologist Carol Queen.
类似realdoll.com 的一些公司出售没有电动装置的仿真人大小的性器具,要价高达6500美元,还不包括500美元运费。就像旧金山性学家Carol Queen怀疑的那样, DiSalvo也 对这种高端设备的需求量疑虑重重。

"I do find that a world full of people getting it on with you know, perfect gizmos instead of each other has some sort of a post-Orwellian kind of sense to it," she said. "I don't really think that most people are going to want this."
她说:我发现和你一样想法的人很多,需要完美的性器具,而不是每一个都有post-Orwellian 的感觉。我不会相信大多数人会要这种产品。

Others suspect the technology is also far off. "Right now they are having trouble making robots that just sweep floors," said Pepper Schwartz, a sociology professor at the University of Washington in Seattle and author of many books on sex.
其他也有人怀疑这种技术的推广还为时尚早。西雅图华盛顿大学的社会学教授Pepper Schwartz是很多性方面书籍的作者,他认为:现在我们制造在地上爬行的机器人都还是困难的。

far-off  --adjective, 1 describes a time that is a long way from the present, or in the distant past or future:
some point in the far-off future

"You know, we're talking about a big jump from something saying 'You are so sexy, I want you' to mimicking all the things that would create a cyborg. We're not at the cyborg level yet."

ALL IN THE MIND  尽在大脑中的性体验

Going even a level further, other researchers say in decades to come advanced devices will be able to stimulate the brain to create a sexual experience without manipulating genitalia.

Marvin Minsky, a pioneer in the study of artificial intelligence dating back to 1951, said such devices could either trigger an actual physical response from the brain, or have the entire experience take place in the mind with the sensation of sex -- but without the mess or risk of sexually transmitted disease.
在1951年,研究人工智能的先驱Marvin Minsky就曾经说过:类似的装置既能触发来自大脑的真实躯体反应,也能在大脑中产生带有性感觉的性体验,而且还没有染上性病的风险。

"It's bound to happen ... and is not as far off as some people think," Minsky, a professor emeritus at MIT, said of direct brain manipulation. "They are doing things with monkeys but it is not a big world-class industry yet, so that could take 20-30 years."

"But if the game (industry) people got involved in some underdeveloped country that didn't have any laws against it, it could all happen twice as fast."

Some researchers warn that too much fantasy could prove adverse to everyday human interaction.

"There is a great deal of pushing people out of social relations into a kind of simulated relationship, which in fact decreases what is essential in human life, which is sociability -- one's capacity to relate to other people," said John Gagnon, a veteran researcher and author on many books on sexuality.


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标签: teledildonics 远程性爱