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2013年十大最佳电子游戏 发表评论(0) 编辑词条


2013年十大最佳电子游戏 编辑本段回目录

2013年关于新一代主机问世的热门消息不绝于耳,这一年预示着精通形式远比图像效果更重要。《侠盗猎车手5》来势汹汹,《The Last of Us》则以精良的脚本和极富进取的创意突破了一个竞争激烈的题材框架。这两者均是2013年大预算游戏中的佼佼者,但却只能算是改善题材而不能算是创新题材之作。独立游戏领域则再次异军突起,讲述了关于艰难困苦和选择本能的故事。即管早早瞄准了新主机平台,有大量游戏却将发布日期延迟到了2014年。

奇怪的是,给2013年带来最大惊喜的却是3DS、Vita和Wii U等成熟硬件上的游戏。由于开发者对用户的了解,并冒险性创新玩法,两款掌机迎来了命运中的转折点。这其中包括《火焰纹章觉醒》等游戏的迭代,以及《Tearaway》这种疯狂的创新,虽然销量持续低迷,但却因《超级马里奥3D世界》可创造了突出的成绩。关键在于,E3的没落极大证明,电子游戏行业与其游戏共荣亡。


平台:PS3,360  发行商:Rockstar  开发商:Rockstar North

GTAV(from edge)

GTAV(from edge)


2.《The Last of Us》

平台:PS3 发行商:SCE  开发商:Naughty Dog

The-Last-Of-Us(from edge)

The-Last-Of-Us(from edge)

我们毫不怀疑Naughty Dog能够谱出绝妙的篇章,但该游戏的影响力着实令我们忙碌了一番。这款游戏的阴沉基调令游戏旅程比之前的电子游戏冒险经历更加人性化,也更富感染力,令人不禁产生其他游戏都能达到这一非凡标准的想法。


平台:Vita 发行商:SCE  开发商:Media Molecule

Tearaway(from edge)

Tearaway(from edge)

《Tearaway》中令人心碎的结局将永驻人们的记忆中,领先它的冒险游戏亦是如此。Media Molecule这款最新力作接二连三地向你抛出神奇的体验,一个比一个更有趣和更欢乐。


平台:Wii U 发行商:任天堂  开发商:任天堂

SuperMario3DWorld(from edge)

SuperMario3DWorld(from edge)

与3DS和许多任天堂系统一样,《马里奥》游戏才是Wii U如此令人无法抵抗的主张。《马里奥3D世界》是原始型的马里奥游戏——接连不断形成的创意,并为下一款游戏而腾出想象空间,它正是任天堂这个令人困惑的平台的强心剂。


平台:360、PC、PS3、Wii U、Xbox One  发行商:育碧  开发商:育碧蒙特利尔工作室

Assassin’s-Creed-IV-Black-Flag(from edge)

Assassin’s-Creed-IV-Black-Flag(from edge)



平台:3DS  发行商:任天堂  开发商:Intelligent Systems

FireEmblemAwakening(from edge)

FireEmblemAwakening(from edge)



平台:360,PC,PS3,PS4,Vita,Wii U,Xbox One  发行商:育碧  开发商:育碧蒙彼利埃工作室

Rayman-Legends(from edge)

Rayman-Legends(from edge)



平台:PC  发行商/开发商:Galactic Cafe

The-Stanley-Parable(from edge)

The-Stanley-Parable(from edge)


9.《Dota 2》

平台:PC  发行商:Valve  开发商:Valve

DOTA-2(from edge)

DOTA-2(from edge)



平台:PC  发行商/开发商:Lucas Pope

papers,please(from edge)

papers,please(from edge)


The Edge awards 2013: best game

For all the hype surrounding a new generation of consoles, 2013 demonstrated that mastery over the form is more significant than the number of particles pushed onto screens. The vast world of Los Santos layered glistening beauty upon gruelling grit, while The Last Of Us cut through an overcrowded genre with a refined script and unflinching creative vision. Both are standouts of a year in which big-budget games pushed at the limits of size and polish, but were otherwise content to refine genres rather than reinvent them. Again, the indie scene picked up the slack, daring to tell stories of emotional hardship and the nature of choice. But even it seemed focused on the promise of consoles to come, with a number of games slipping to 2014.

Oddly, it’s a maturing wave of hardware – 3DS, Vita and Wii U – that delivered the biggest surprises of 2013. The two portables have seen a turnaround in their fortunes, thanks to developers who understand their audiences and are taking risks with new ways to play. These span from the iterative, such as Fire Emblem Awakening, to the wildly inventive, such as Tearaway. Wii U, meanwhile, continues to sell dismally, but has produced a standout gem that might save it in Super Mario 3D World. And that’s the key: as the E3 fallout made abundantly clear, the videogame industry is only as good as its games.

10. Papers, Please

Format: PC Publisher/developer: Lucas Pope

Papers, Please takes the vocabulary of the adventure game – checking and comparing information, retaining details, and critical analysis – and applies it to a study of the tyranny of bureaucracy. Understated but powerful, it demonstrates the power games have as persuasive tools and it does so by teaching, not lecturing, you.

Further reading: our Papers, Please review.

9. Dota 2

Format: PC Publisher: Valve Developer: In-house

The year’s standout success in eSports, Dota 2 has a tremendous ability to draw out the personality of its players. Valve has steadily improved the game’s accessibility while pioneering new ways for fans to contribute to it, express themselves, and even earn money from their contributions. It’s the biggest game on Steam right now for a very good reason.

Further reading: our Dota 2 review.

8. The Stanley Parable

Format: PC Publisher/developer: Galactic Cafe

This intelligent firstperson exploration game guides you through variously funny, sad, exciting and unnerving meditations on the nature of games. It strikes a masterful balance of tone and achieves a tremendous sense of personality by treating the player as a player and not as a problem to be solved. It features some of the year’s smartest writing, too.

Further reading: our The Stanley Parable review.

7. Rayman Legends

Formats: 360, PC, PS3, PS4, Vita, Wii U, Xbox One Publisher: Ubisoft Developer: In-house (Montpellier)

Legends has an unstoppable rhythm, a bevy of ideas and a world of content. It’s forever urging you on and always showing you something new, serving up multiplayer combative football, rhythm-action platforming, and daily challenges. Legends takes its handful of verbs – jump, run and punch – and gets as much mileage from them as Nintendo on its best days.

Further reading: our Rayman Legends review.

6. Fire Emblem Awakening

Format: 3DS Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Intelligent Systems

Permadeath is callous. Awakening humanises it, its network of player-forged relational bonds meaning defeat snatches away not generic soldiers but beloved allies. Keeping everyone alive is a challenge, yet a Casual mode means this is also the most approachable Fire Emblem yet. It’s a rare strategy game that warms not just your grey matter but also your heart.

Further reading: our Fire Emblem Awakening review.

5. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

Formats: 360, PC, PS3, PS4, Wii U, Xbox One Publisher: Ubisoft Developer: In-house (Montreal)

This pirate sim barely needs the Assassin’s Creed name, but heading to open ocean liberates a series once tangled in its historical trappings. Black Flag revels in the freedom, its vagabond wanderings across turquoise waters spiced with bountiful distractions and ship-to-ship combat beyond compare.

Further reading: our Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag review.

4. Super Mario 3D World

Format: Wii U Publisher: Nintendo Developer: In-house

Back in the shade you go, Luigi. Just as with 3DS, and so many Nintendo systems of yore, it’s Mario that’s made Wii U an irresistible proposition. 3D World is the archetypal Mario game – a relentless succession of ideas formed, finessed and thrown away to make room for the next one – and if there’s any justice also a shot in the arm for Nintendo’s confused platform.

Further reading: our Super Mario 3D World review.

3. Tearaway

Format: Vita Publisher: SCE Developer: Media Molecule

Tearaway’s heartrending conclusion will live long in the memory, but so will the adventure that precedes it. We upholstered an elk, pinned a moustache on a pig, and drew malformed flames and wonky snowflakes. We mugged endlessly for the camera. Media Molecule’s latest gem flings one thing after another at you, each more playful and more joyful than the last.

Further reading: our Tearaway review.

2. The Last Of Us

Format: PS3 Publisher: SCE Developer: Naughty Dog

There was never any doubt that Naughty Dog would spin a ripping yarn, but the sheer scale of its achievement caught us on the hop. The game’s sombre riff on Uncharted’s magic makes for a journey that is at once more human and more affecting than past videogame adventures, one that leaves you wishing all others could match this remarkable standard.

Further reading: our The Last Of Us review.

1. Grand Theft Auto V

Format: PS3, 360 Publisher: Rockstar Developer: In-house (Rockstar North)

Once upon a time, while playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, we would lean back and wonder what such a game might look and feel like in the future, its rough edges smoothed out, its ambition explored in more detail. In September this year we found out – and the reality exceeded our daydreams. Given that it’s made up of so many moving parts, Grand Theft Auto V should collapse in on itself the moment you begin messing with it, but instead its countless pieces work in concert like a mesmirising symphony. For its self-belief, its scale, its art, its soundtrack, its three-way character twist, its lightning-cracked skies, its churning waves, its mountain-top parachute leaps and its desperate, bodywork-mangling storm-drain escapes, it is our game of the year.(source:edge-online

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